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    为什么区块链招聘可能是未来的人力资源趋势 Why blockchain for recruitment might be a future HR trend 区块链能否验证事实和交易?能否提高招聘效率和人力资源领导者的其他关注领域的效率?我们看看。  by Pam Baker 在人力资源和招聘工作中,有时候会觉得自己在玩弄两个事实和一个谎言 - 不知道谁在玩什么或什么时候玩。如果我们现在玩游戏,它会看起来像这样:区块链是确保准确性的突破。(真相)一些人认为区块链是未来人力资源重要趋势。(真相)。使用HR区块链的细节全部解决。(谎言。) 事实上,尽管在招聘和其他人力资源流程中使用区块链的承诺确实存在,但现实充满了复杂性。这里看看两者。 作为人力资源趋势的雷达上的区块链 区块链是由一系列经过验证的事实组成的分布式共享数字分类帐。这些事实可以是从金钱到信息的任何事物。作为记录保存的数字系统的一部分,每笔交易及其细节都经过验证,然后通过计算机网络进行记录。每个有权访问分布式分类账的人都会收到这些信息,并且各方在块之间被复制,共享和实体之间同步之前达成一致。区块链几乎不可能被篡改,因为每个信息块都会引用它之前的区块。 在这个信任既难以捉摸又高昂的时代,区块链的吸引力正在飙升,因为它提供了一种确认,验证和验证价值和事件的方式。这就是为什么多个垂直行业(如银行业,制造业和保险业)和多个业务横向行业(诸如会计,履行,供应链和运输等部门)被吸引到并且非常兴奋的地方 - 在他们的工作中使用区块链。 为什么区块链吸引人力资源专业人士 “很容易看出,如何能够确保个人教育或工作经历的细节 - 以及可能更多的个人事实 - 是不可改变的,这对人力资源部门来说非常有吸引力,”Carol Van Cleef说,与律师事务所Baker&Hostetler合作,经常就金融科技问题向客户提供建议,包括区块链。 她说:“假设原始输入是准确的,重复验证相同信息的成本可能会显着降低,对结果的信心增加。” 鉴于近期工作性质发生了变化,这不是一项小任务 - 或者是小额费用。 企业软件供应商Workday的学习产品战略主管James Cross说:“十年前,求职者可能拥有一所或两所大学的学位,并明确定义了两三位以前雇主的长期职位。提供基于云计算的人力资本管理和金融云应用程序。“即便如此,验证员工的经验和教育费时费钱,通常在招聘流程结束时以及通过外包背景调查提供商进行,”他说。 Cross指出,在当今的商业环境中,招聘与过去截然不同。“一位候选人可能会有比以前更多的工作和更多样化的职业,个人和学习经历,”他说。 美国劳工统计局的调查结果证实了这一点。2016年,25至34岁的千年工人的平均工作年限为2。8年。这很重要。根据皮尤研究中心的资料,千禧一代现在是劳动力中最大的一代。教育也发生了巨大变化,现在更难追踪和验证。 “候选人可能曾为一家经营人才市场的雇主工作,或者已经完成了几次轮岗'职责之旅' - 一路获得技能,知识和反馈,”克罗斯说。“他们也可能已经完成了按需在线培训,并获得了徽章或数字凭证,甚至可能为多家雇主开展了'演出'。” 这只是为了初学者。考虑到人力资源是一项数据密集型功能,区块链可以在部门范围内拥有更多的应用程序。 Baker&Hostetler的Van Cleef在区块链上提供了一些关于人力资源趋势的警告。她说:“我们在建立区块链技术和这个术语涉及的所有领域都处于非常早期的阶段。“对于像HR这样的数据密集型功能来说,潜力可能并不是真正的无限,但实际用途将会非常多。” 教育验证可能是人力资源首次使用区块链 由于人员及其背景可能如此复杂,因此在招聘过程中使用区块链有一些棘手的因素。要让区块链技术成为一份坚实的履历或无可置疑的就业历史,谁在每个区块贡献和验证数据是关键。在某些用途中,如教育验证,这些问题的答案相对简单。非常如此,一些大学已经为他们的学生提供了这些数据块。这不仅是您在那里找到的成绩和学位。 “在区块链的世界里,成绩单是防篡改的,基本上是由发行机构签署的,我们已经为卡尔加里大学的学生做了这个,允许他们在他们的”cocurricular record“上放上志愿者职位,然后我们“卡尔加里大学计算机科学教授,以及上周在旧金山举行的RSA 2017区块链非金融应用的发言人Thomas P. Keenan解释说。 工作时间,达到目标以及由此产生的工资和奖金都是雇主和员工的有用记录,获得的奖金记录对未来的就业机会也是有利的。   机构之间共享教育数据也很简单。 “另一个很大的优势是降低成本,”基南说。他说:“我们花时间检查来自国外大学和大学本身的申请人的证书。用于验证机构的区块链注册将大大消除这一繁重的任务。” 然而,人力资源专业人士可能希望以区块链形式提供这些信息,以打击欺诈行为,从而降低验证流程的成本。 Keenan说:“虽然大学成绩单通常具有较高的认证水平,但我可以告诉你,我们已经看到一些完全虚假的成绩单,在遥远的国家被编造出来并被认为是真实的。” 事实上,欺诈性教育索赔在外包时期猖獗,并且仍然对在多个国家运营的公司构成问题,因为这些公司有时难以跨地域同步信息,并且将学位与学位的差异等同起来。 区块链可能有助于建立此信息,然后为将来可能需要此信息的公司保留该信息。此外,区块链有可能追踪员工从工作到工作,并为员工提供快速可靠的手段,以提供教育证书并快速聘用。 记录工作历史中的问题 验证教育是一回事,记录就业历史的细微差别是另一回事。 “虽然你可以对特定事情进行核查,例如申请人是否拥有学位,但是很难有独立咨询或合同工作经验的明确公式,或者在工作时可以清楚地了解职位的头衔是什么意思即使它们属于同一行业,甚至在不同业务中也会有所不同,“Saba Software Inc.产品和合作伙伴市场营销高级总监Paul Ardoin表示,该公司生产依赖机器学习的基于云的人才管理应用程序。 验证历史数据也会遇到问题。 Ardoin解释说:“公司或教育机构在收购中失业或被吞并,可能根本没有这些信息,或者它可能是一个挑战,找到合适的人。” 如果我们试图以追溯的方式记录职业道路,“这将会导致人力资源部门和他们尝试招聘的人们头痛数十年,”他说。 简而言之,这表明从现在起为就业目的构建区块链比回溯并建立完整的过去记录更实际。反过来,对于许多员工来说,区块链只会是部分就业纪录。 另一个棘手问题是应用程序跟踪系统的广泛使用,或者更具体地说,人力资源依靠关键字对申请人进行分类。尽管自动化对人力资源有帮助,但对于申请人来说,这往往是一个障碍,他们随后写出多个版本的简历来触发各种工作中的特定关键字搜索。在当前的区块链概念中,申请人不太可能这样做,而招聘公司可能错过伟大的人才。 HR使用区块链与法律,隐私问题 SAP公司人力资源副总裁Bianca McCann表示:“当然,这种[长期员工记录保存]可以在法律和数据隐私的背景下加以考虑。 例如,现在有些地方向候选人询问过去的工资或当前的年龄是违法的。但是,这些信息可以存储在区块链中,根据就业相关用途的发展情况以及围绕隐私的概念如何发展,求职者的私人信息可能会在未经他人许可的情况下被访问。这引发了许多问题。例如,如果招聘组织在区块链中查看某些信息,是否承担法律风险?或者,潜在雇主是否可以访问这些信息,对不想放任它的员工构成真正的风险? 另一方面,区块链在招聘过程中成为人力资源趋势在某些情况下可能是双赢的。 “在需要确保正常工作许可并促进海外安全支付的国际招聘方案中,区块链的可信安全可以帮助雇主和员工,”技术和管理Keyrus的首席顾问Hannah Curtis说。该公司最近发布了区块链连接器。 工作时间,达到目标以及由此产生的工资和奖金都是雇主和员工的有用记录,获得的奖金记录对未来的就业机会也是有利的。 “在候选人被聘用后,区块链智能合约可能会对员工的工资,福利和退休计划产生影响,例如,在另一个事件(例如根据达到既定目标收到奖金)的情况下,编码并通过智能合约自动触发,“柯蒂斯说。 智能合约 - 帮助促进和管理数字流转移的计算机协议是资产 - 存储在区块链中。 她说:“这对自由职业者和承包商职位来说特别有用,因为智能合约可以确保只为完成的工作付款。” 区块链作为人力资源趋势开始显而易见 虽然大多数专家都认为区块链将在某些时候被人力资源部门用于招聘和管理目的,但这还不是一种常见的甚至趋势的做法。还有很多细节需要解决。 “与财务应用程序不同,招聘,简历或工作经历没有任何目前可信的历史情景,”Saba Software的Ardoin说。 这意味着人力资源使用区块链技术可能仅限于验证和记录教育和培训 - 至少,起初是如此。 Ardoin说:“ 黑白分布式分类账方法在跟踪公司和非正式学习和培训时仍然是一个有用的模型。“我们已经在Learning Record Stores(一种数字教育资料库)中看到了这种功能,同样存在一些挑战 - 例如支持新类型的内容,并确保非正式学习得到适当的评估 - 但是实施区块链学习应用程序比处理简历和作业历史记录的细微差别要简单得多。 以上由AI翻译完成,仅供参考。HRTechChina呈现   Working in HR and recruitment can sometimes feel like playing a game of two truths and a lie -- without knowing who's playing or when. If we were playing the game now, it would look something like this: Blockchain is a breakthrough in ensuring accuracy. (Truth.) Some see blockchain as an important future HR trend. (Truth.) The details of using blockchain for HR are all resolved. (Lie.) Indeed, while the promise of using blockchain for recruitment and other HR processes does exist, the reality is filled with complexities. Here's a look at both. Blockchain on the radar as an HR trend A blockchain is a distributed, shared digital ledger made up of a trail of validated facts. These facts can be anything from money to information. As part of this digital system of record keeping, each transaction and its details are validated and then recorded across a network of computers. Everyone who has access to the distributed ledger receives this information, and the parties agree on the accuracy before the block is replicated, shared and synchronized among the entities. A blockchain is virtually impossible to tamper with since each block of information references the block before it. In an age when trust is both elusive and held at a high premium, blockchain's appeal is soaring since it presents a way to confirm, validate and authenticate both values and events. This is why multiple verticals (such as banking, manufacturing and insurance) and multiple business horizontals (departments such as accounting, fulfillment, supply chain and shipping) are drawn to -- and very excited about -- using blockchain in their work. Why blockchain appeals to HR professionals "It is easy to see how the idea of being able to ensure [that] the details of one's educational or work experience -- and potentially more personal facts -- are immutable could be very attractive to HR offices," said Carol Van Cleef, partner with law firm Baker & Hostetler, which regularly advises clients on fintech issues, including blockchain.   "Costs associated with repetitive verifications of the same information could be reduced significantly and confidence in the results increased, assuming the original input was accurate," she said. That's no small task -- or small expense -- given how much the nature of work has changed recently. "Ten years ago, a job candidate may have had a degree from one or two universities and clearly defined long-term roles with two or three previous employers," said James Cross, director of learning product strategy at Workday, an enterprise software vendor that offers cloud-based human capital management and financial cloud-based applications. "Even then, verifying an employee's experience and education was time-consuming and expensive, typically happening right at the end of the hiring process and through an outsourced background check provider," he said. Cross points out that in today's business landscape, recruitment is quite different than in the past. "A candidate is likely to have had more jobs and a more diverse tapestry of career, personal and learning experiences than previously," he said. Findings from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics bear this out. In 2016, the average job tenure for millennial workers ages 25 to 34 was 2.8 years. This is significant. According to Pew Research Center, millennials now make up the largest generation in the labor force. Education, too, has changed drastically and now is much harder to track and validate. "Candidates may have worked for an employer that operates a talent marketplace or have completed several rotational 'tours of duty' -- gaining skills, knowledge and feedback along the way," Cross said. "They may also have completed on-demand online training, and been awarded badges or digital credentials. And they may even have worked 'gigs' for several employers." And that's just for starters. Considering HR is a data-intensive function, blockchain could have many more applications within the department's scope. Baker & Hostetler's Van Cleef offers some caveats on blockchain as fledgling HR trend. "We are at a very early stage in the build-out of blockchain technology and all that the term involves," she said. "For data-heavy functions like HR, the potential may not be truly unlimited, but practical uses will be numerous." Education verification likely the first blockchain use for HR Because people and their backgrounds can be so complicated, using blockchain in the recruitment process has some tricky elements. For blockchain technology to work as a solid resume or unquestionable employment history, the question of who contributes and who verifies the data in each block is key. In some uses, such as education verification, the answers to those questions are relatively straightforward. So much so, that some universities are already providing these data blocks for their students. And it isn't only grades and degrees you'll find there. "In a blockchain world, the transcripts would be tamperproof and, basically, signed by the issuing institution. We already do this for our students at the University of Calgary by allowing them to put volunteer positions on their 'cocurricular record,' which we then certify for them," explained Thomas P. Keenan, M.A., professor of Computer Science at the University of Calgary and a presenter on nonfinancial uses of the blockchain at RSA 2017 in San Francisco last week. Time worked, goals met, and resulting pay and bonuses due and paid are useful records for both the employer and the employee, and a record of earned bonuses could be a plus for future employment opportunities, too.   The sharing of education data between institutions is potentially straightforward, too. "Another great advantage will be cost reduction," Keenan said. "We spend time checking the credentials of applicants from foreign universities, and the universities themselves. A blockchain registry to validate institutions would go a long way to eliminating this onerous task," he said. HR professionals, however, are likely to want this information in blockchain form as much to combat fraud as to cut costs in the verification process. "While college transcripts usually carry a high level of authentication, I can tell you that we have seen some totally bogus ones, fabricated in faraway countries and submitted as authentic," said Keenan. Indeed, fraudulent education claims were rampant at the height of outsourcing and still pose problems for companies operating in multiple countries where it is sometimes difficult to sync information across geographies and to equate differences in degrees and schools. Blockchains could be helpful in establishing this information and then preserving it for companies that may need this information in the future. In addition, a blockchain has the potential to follow an employee from job to job and provide a fast and reliable means for that employee to present education credentials and get hired quicker. Problems in documenting work history Verifying education is one thing, documenting the nuances of employment history is quite another. "While you can check off boxes on specific things like if the applicant has a degree, it's harder to have a definite formula for things like experience in independent consulting or a contract job, or a clear understanding of what titles for jobs mean when they can even vary from one business to another, even if it's the same industry," said Paul Ardoin, senior director of product and partner marketing at Saba Software Inc., which makes cloud-based talent management applications that rely on machine learning. There are problems with validating historical data to contend with, as well. "Companies or educational institutions that have gone out of business or been gobbled up in an acquisition may simply not have the information available, or it may be a challenge getting to the right person," explained Ardoin. If we attempt to document career paths retroactively, "it will cause headaches for decades for both HR departments and the people [who] they try to recruit," he said. In short, this indicates that it is more practical to build blockchains for employment purposes from this point forward than it is to backtrack and build a complete past record. In turn, for many employees, a blockchain would only be a partial employment record. Another thorny issue is the widespread use of applicant tracking systems, or more specifically, HR's reliance on keywords to sort applicants. While automation is helpful to HR, it's often an obstacle to applicants, who then resort to writing multiple versions of their resume to trigger specific keyword searches in various jobs. It would be unlikely that applicants could do that in the current conceptions of blockchain, and hiring companies may miss out on great talent. HR's use of blockchain vs. legal, privacy issues "Of course, this [long-term employee record keeping] would be something to consider in context of laws and data privacy," said Bianca McCann, vice president of HR at SAP. Right now, for example, it's illegal in some places to ask a candidate their past wages or current age. But such information could be stored in a blockchain and, depending on how its employment-related use develops and how concepts of privacy surrounding that develop, the jobseeker's private information could potentially be accessed without his or her permission. This raises a number of questions. For example, if a hiring organization views certain information in a blockchain, is it taking a legal risk? Or, could a potential employer's access to this information pose a real risk to the employee who did not wish to indulge it? On the other hand, blockchain becoming an HR trend in the hiring process could be win-win in certain scenarios. "The trusted security of blockchain can additionally assist both employers and employees when it comes to international hiring scenarios where there is a need to ensure proper work permits and facilitate secure payments overseas," said Hannah Curtis, principal consultant at Keyrus, a technology and management firm that recently released blockchain connectors. Time worked, goals met, and resulting pay and bonuses due and paid are useful records for both the employer and the employee, and a record of earned bonuses could be a plus for future employment opportunities, too. "After candidates are hired, blockchain smart contracts could have an impact on employee wages, benefits and retirement packages, as well. As an example, any benefit contingent on another event, such as receiving a bonus based on hitting a set target goal, could be encoded and automatically triggered via a smart contract," said Curtis. Smart contracts -- computer protocols that help to facilitate and manage the transfer of digital currents are assets -- are stored in a blockchain. "This is particularly useful in the case of freelance and contractor positions where smart contracts could ensure payment only for completed work," she said. "Unlike financial applications, recruiting, resumes or job histories don't have any current scenarios in which the history is currently trusted," said Saba Software's Ardoin. What this means is that HR's use of blockchain technology will likely be confined to verifying and documenting education and training -- at least, at first. "The black-and-white distributed ledger approach can still be a useful model when tracking corporate and informal learning and training," Ardoin said. "We're already seeing this kind of functionality within Learning Record Stores (a form of digital education repository). Again, there are challenges -- such as supporting a new type of content, and making sure that informal learning is properly valued --but the implementation of a blockchain for learning applications is much more straightforward than dealing with the nuances of resumes and job histories."
  • Recruit
    活动SaaS平台活动行完成数千万A+轮融资,腾讯、优客工场等投资 【猎云网(微信:ilieyun)北京】6月30日报道 6月30日消息,活动行已完成数千万A +轮融资,估值超过三亿。活动行于2014年获得软银赛富(SAIF)、高通、DCM投资,深耕北上广深一线城市数年,目前已成为国内最大的活动管理及推广的SaaS平台。 本轮融资有腾讯占股以外,还有国内共享办公空间之独角​​兽「优客工场」及上市公司Recruit,三方共同参与本次战略投资。活动行创始人兼CEO谢耀辉表示,在本轮融资中战略合作的意义非常重大,将有助于扩大服务之城市与活动类别。据悉·,本轮融资不仅获得现金,而且更获三家巨头公司的独家战略級资源。其中腾讯的社交广告与流量入口将会带给「活动行」大量增长与品牌能见度; 加上优客工场将提供独家活动场地资源及协助媒合1500家进驻企业优惠使用活动行平台,使得活动行快速整合线上与线下资源,构建出更庞大的活动生态体系; 此外Recruit将给予技术与海外商业模式的协助,助推活动行海外版「活动通」抢占日本市场。 活动行团队于2011年于创业邦举办的Demo中国创业竞赛获得优胜,至今在两岸三地已经累计服务超过10万个主办单位,其中不乏知名企业与策展人,合作伙伴包含北京故宫、全国大量TEDx主办方、36Kr、脉脉、3W咖啡、新京报、创业邦、华为、微软、IBM、腾讯、阿里、新浪、凤凰财经、IT桔子、i黑马、鸟哥笔记、网易、猎豹、搜狐、猎云网、创头条、铅笔道、台北故宫、台湾金曲奖主办方等等,根据相关数据披露,目前平台累计上架数百万场活动,用户也早已经破千万级别。2016年在全球经济不景气与资本寒冬的环境下,活动行快速调整组织与方向,创造出全年收入提升超过4倍的成绩,而今年预计将维持高速增长,设定全年度流水突破5亿为一个小目标。   创始人谢耀辉表示,本次资金主要将投入于开拓城市据点,技术团队组建以及扩大B2B模式。早年活动行是偏向工具平台,随着规模发展与不同阶段需求,逐步探索商业与盈利模式,平台最大价值与成就来自于服务过成千上万活动策展人,帮助大家省时省力,使策展人更能专注于活动内容与体验设计,避免被系统流程和繁琐的票务工作或推广工作拖垮,活动行创业至今一直坚持十年磨一剑的态度,抱持着战战兢兢的心情做好平台该扮演的辅助角色。   线下活动作为连​​结人与人的重要媒介,具有非常高的社群特性与宣传能力,一场好的活动可以改变一群人甚至塑造典范,欧美先进国家也都大力透过各种大型创业活动,吸引全球创者人才和企业进驻,线下活动即使在互联网发达的今天也有着不可替代性,活动中的感受体验以及人跟人面对面的交流,也是建立信任、达成合作、结识同好的最佳途径,因此透过平台使得参加者可以匹配更有兴趣的活动,而策展人更高效、更精准触及参加者,将是未来更大的机会与挑战; 另一方面,活动举办需要场地与各种配套服务,若能有效的媒合主办方和供应商,也将会是一个巨大的商业机会,活动行将广泛与其他平台串接与深度合作,把饼做大。 随着消费升级,新零售与AI技术浪潮,科技未来几年将进一步影响许多原有的商业格局,互联网的高速发展使世界越来越平,讯息传播越来越快,每个人的时间将会越来越碎片化,信息量将严重过载,促使人对于取得优质内容与活动的渴望将会愈来越强烈,科技改变人的行为却不会改变人性以及人对于聚会交流的刚需渴望。   未来,活动行坚持严谨把关内容,挖掘优质活动,让大多数人在工作需要时参加活动、拓展人脉,或假日参加活动结识同好、培养兴趣,唯有透过活动带给更多人正能量与创造美好回忆,才真正实现活动的行愿景,希望将来有更多城市的人们都能透过活动行找到喜爱的活动,透过参与活动丰富自己的生活体验!   本文来自猎云网,如若转载,请注明出处:http://www.lieyunwang.com/archives/331139
  • Recruit
    从报销做到费控,“简单报销”获日本Recruit战略投资 近日,“上海云简”创始人兼CEO俞洋告知,已获得日本Recruit的战略投资。本次合作,除了资金支持,简单报销更看重Recruit的销售经验,Recruit方面也将帮助简单报销梳理销售流程,搭建在全国甚至全球的渠道资源。 俞洋曾任SAP销售总监、PTC渠道发展总监,并有多年企业信息系统实施顾问经验,先后服务过中国电信、通用企业、SAP、PTC、Thingworx等企业。之后于2015年成立简单报销,并在2016年获得晟初基金的1000万元Pre-A轮融资。 “上海云简”对标的是差旅和费用管理软件Concur(在2014年被SAP以83亿美元收购),旗下有报销和费控两款产品。 报销产品的思路是帮助企业做消费集成,通过与第三方服务平台合作,直接企业账号支付,最后为企业开据整体发票,这样来节约单点员工的报销时间。拿员工出行来说,“简单报销”已跟滴滴打车合作,B端在滴滴打车上开通企业账号,事先进行充值,员工就可以通过简单报销平台叫车,直接扣企业账号中的钱,不需要个人垫资。 而“简约费控”是简单报销的升级版产品,能够满足企业合约管理、供应商付款管理、合规辅助等费用控制需求。 这里就要说一下报销类产品的思路,我们之前报道过很多,例如拿到DCM投资的易快报,以及背靠上市公司的红橘科技、汇联易、云快报等。对于大企业客户,报销只是财务中的一小块,单独做也满足不了其需求,而小企业付费能力有限,更多就是做了个流量生意。所以大概有两种情况,一种是定位中小企业,然后靠流量慢慢做成企业消费平台;而另一种则是从报销切入,逐渐满足大企业的更多需求。 “简约费控”其实就算第二种路线,因为大中企业对于费用管控是个刚需。俞洋认为:“企业费控跟传统意义上的报销是有很大差异的,费控不是财务管理、提供三张报表就可以,而更多是业务上的管理,是企业CMA——也就是管理会计应该做的事情。” 例如,在医药行业,企业发给医药销售代表的预算,需要跟销售业绩挂钩,业绩越好,可以拨的预算就越多。举办学术营销的时候,需要知道活动是为哪些科室、医院举办的,这些成本都会分摊到具体销售的产品中去。再比如,企业有好几家分/子公司,是需要分/子公司先提交报告,然后总公司下发,其中根据实际情况会做滚动预算。又或者,预算的钱是够用的,但是回款不及时,所以导致发不出工资…… “诸如此类情况都说明,企业费控的纬度是从业务角度出发的,逐渐会演变成一套专业的系统,”俞洋如是说。当然,对于越大的企业,这些计算越复杂,越需要系统来完成,而小企业,可能人力手动算算就足够。 那么,各企业业务逻辑不同,通用的产品怎样适配行业?俞洋告知,简单报销自己有一套定制引擎,分三部分:表单生成引擎、工作流引擎、规则引擎,会把供应商、项目、成本中心都涵盖进去,比较容易进行项目拆标。当然,实际过程中客户往往还会有其他需求,简单报销也会提供一些定制服务。这种产品架构也比较容易跟企业内部的系统做集成,比如简单报销此前就跟销售易达成合作,之后还会跟社保通进行深度对接。 再有就是数据安全问题,毕竟是创业公司,俞洋也会经常被问及。对此,简单报销的解决方案是,可以把客户的数据库独立存放在公有云的单独区域,VPC是客户私有的,由客户自己采购,简单报销负责部署。 此外,上文中还提到,很多财务ERP的上市公司也有自己做报销软件,他们通常会依靠原公司的渠道,相对比较容易拿下大客户。这样一来,简单报销的优势在哪里?俞洋坦言,过去两年侧重在产品打磨上,确实在销售上投入的精力较少。之后,一来是会借助Recruit的一些销售经验,二来,简单报销把传统公司看成合作伙伴的关系,都可以集成产品,互利共赢。 据悉,“上海云简”目前的付费企业有上百家,小的客单价在1万多,大的在几十万元,现在接触的还有上百万的客户。而公司目前也启动了A轮融资。 附:“上海云简”的一些客户案例,对了解产品有帮助 来源:36氪,作者:徐宁,如若转载,请注明出处:http://36kr.com/p/5069553.html
  • Recruit
    “独立日”完成千万元人民币A轮融资,日本Recruit参投 兼职项目“独立日”已于近日获得千万元人民币级别的A轮融资,由Recruit等主要投资。此前,独立日获得过中路资本的天使轮投资。   独立日切服务业市场,通过搭建移动互联网平台,把企业需求跟劳动者空余时间进行对接,C端求职者可以通过平台自行搜索、报名,对于B端企业,则是进行电话销售、线下拜访、出具策划方案等。“独立日”根据不同企业的需求,目前分为普招、包招、定制招聘三种用工模式。   而在兼职行业里,上周刚报道了拿到4000万美元B轮的“斗米兼职”,独立日CEO郑一认为,58同城支持的斗米自然是蓝领人群流量最大的平台,但是大流量的主要来源还是广告投放。而独立日已经放弃C端大流量的打法,转而和各平台合作,把全部团队战斗力集中在如何标准化执行流程上,主攻KA客户。尤其是零售、餐饮、物流、会展、客服等行业,弹性用功需求最大,由于对人的要求不高,可标准化的空间也很大。   例如,独立日有18个标准化步骤来规范兼职人员的服务。并且,独立日还对用户数据做了跟踪研究,建立人才数据库,利用数据推动决策,还吸纳数据方面的人才,像是来自Skyhook Wireless的前大数据总监加盟。   郑一强调,国内兼职市场现阶段还是买家市场,为企业招募优质的兼职者是所有兼职平台都在做的,而如何为企业提供更好的服务才是核心。市面上大部分重心在C端的产品留存很低,一定程度上说明了这个问题。按照郑一的思路,独立日的核心就是提高用工质量来增加B端企业的粘性。   目前已服务10000多家企业,提供400多万人次的用工,平台交易超过6亿元人民币,KA客户包括百度外卖、优衣库、麦当劳等,还跟TED励拓(易居中国)达成战略合作。   此外,还值得一提的是,本次资方Recruit是全球第二大人力资源公司,公司创立于1960年,并于2014年10月在东京证券交易所公开上市,在中国投资了51Job、58同城等公司,此前也公开表示过会在中国投资更多的初创企业,后续应该会继续有动态。   来源:36氪,作者:徐宁,如若转载,请注明出处:http://36kr.com/p/5055501.html
  • Recruit
    带你了解日本第一大人力集团Recruit 近日,日本 Recruit 集团和真格基金联合举办了为期 1 周的访问活动,国内邀请了小美科技、探鹿、兼职猫、独立日、一米工作、美差、工猫、仟寻、闪聘、捷库、社保通11 家公司的创始人赴日交流学习,Recruit 方面代表人为投资部高级副总裁铃木亮一。   下面是关于Recruit的一些业务介绍和投资方向,大家来学习吧~   基本信息 日本最大的招聘企业 Recruit Holdings 创立于 1960年,并于 2014年10月16日 在东京证券交易所公开上市。Recruit Holdings 首次公开发行(IPO)规模为 20 亿美元,市值在 1200 亿人民币左右。目前的年销售近 1000 亿人民币,利润在 120 亿人民币。日本国内的业务增长每年保持在 10%-20%左右。   Recruit 在从事招聘业务 20年 之后,开始延伸其他领域,最早涉及的是与住宅相关,再之后到二手车等等,内部各业务线之间也存在竞争关系。下图为 Recruit 包含的业务品牌: Recruit 的利润主要来源于三大模块——人才信息(HR Media),市场信息(Marketing Media)以及人才外包(Staffing)。从 Recruit 2014年Q2 的财报来看,Recruit 的 HR 业务占到整体业务的 73%,其中人力资源信息占到 22%,利润率为 36%;人才外包服务 51%,利润率为 17%。   招聘业务针对 “就业”、“跳槽” 两种类型,主要面向日本国内在校生提供就业信息,面向社会招聘提供人才介绍服务和兼职的招聘服务。并且,还提供人才派遣业务。海外派遣主要以北美、欧洲、澳洲等领域为主展开业务。   商业模式 Recruit 作为平台链接 B 端企业和 C 端人才,两端越分散,平台的价值就越大。   具体的商业模式,大致概括下来就是 “付费广告+服务佣金”。通过在线下免费信息杂志、PC 端、智能手机端等自营媒体上登录招聘信息向客户收取广告费;人才介绍业务是通过提供就业服务,向成功获得入职员工的公司收取佣金。   这里有一个“蝴蝶结模式”,是 Recruit 集团业务的基础。一方面是对 B 端,经历 “潜在用户 BD——有需求客户的访问——签合同——服务” 这样一个阶段,另一方面是对 C 端,经历 “用户注册总量——搜索职位——投递——面试——服务” 这样的阶段。每进入下一个阶段,则用户数量会递减,这之间的留存率就是 Recruit 对自己员工的 KPI 考核。 Recruit 方面表示,虽然 B 端和 C 端,Recruit 用两批人在接触,但是匹配效率已经达到一个比较高的状态。   除了匹配效率,Recruit 能做到这么大的原因,就是他会把求职者信息转换为消费市场信息——从人的出生到死,日常的结婚生子、非日常的旅行都有围绕着 Recruit 的服务。这些信息收集从大学生的教育求职开始,基本相当于一个人的职业档案。(据悉,日本大学生毕业的时候有一项每人都会参加的从业资格考试是 Recruit 集团做的,很多人都以为是政府举办的。) 这样一来,用户可以在 Recruit 得到循环,从而增加用户粘性,产生增量市场。比如说,求职的用户也是旅游产品的用户。所以,日本招聘排名第二的公司在用户数量上跟 Recruit 差距很大。   在用户端,Recruit 拥有较大体量的数据库,可以进行大数据分析和机器学习,产生的精准推荐可以促进用户行为。   最初,Recruit 的业务都是基于纸媒进行的,90年 代开始发展线上业务,也算是整个集团的一次大的转型。直至今日已发展为拥有 200 以上的网站、提供 350 个 APP,50%的收益来自线上。   企业内部文化 在跟 Recruit 交流的过程中发现,他们还比较自豪的一点就是企业文化。   日本传统公司都是入职 15年 上升到科长,30年 上升到董事等。但是 Recruit 强调要颠覆、培养年轻员工。如果有想法,公司内部会有创新奖励,并且可以内部提供资源孵化一些项目,和国内阿里的一些做法很相似。   并且,Recruit 也设有孵化器。   投资战略 目前Recruit在全世界已有 162 个公司(包括子公司),在东南亚基本以合资公司的形式拓展市场。Recruit 的理想是在 2020年 成为人力资源领域的世界第一,在 2030年 成为营销和人力资源领域的世界第一。   成为日本在线招聘巨头后,逐渐将业务扩展到香港、台北、新加坡等地。Recruit 的海外收购战略是从人才派遣着手。从 2005年 开始基于在线数据为企业提供咨询服务。2006年 入股前程无忧,2010年 收购猎头公司伯乐,2012年 推出针对应届生的 Recruitment Navi,Rikunabi Direct,同年全资收购美国在线招聘网站Indeed.com,为整个集团的 HR 业务提供强大的算法和模型的支持。   Recruit 在 2006年 成立了 CVC,投资了 54 家有助于自身业务发展或于自身业务有互利协同效应的公司。其中也包括 FoF,投资总额达 90 亿日元。2014年5月 成立了投资总额 45 亿日元的 CVC「RGIP」。2014年10月 成立了投资总额 50 亿日元的「RSP6号基金」。今年1月 设立了投资总额 23.6 亿日元的 HR Tech Fund,专门用于投资海外拥有革命性技术的人才相关初创团队。   今后也会不断地向国内外的 Start Up 项目进行投资。投资领域包括:众包 / 经济共享、 FinTech、EduTech、医疗保健、人才领域、生活服务领域等。 来源:36氪,作者:徐宁,如若转载,请注明出处:http://36kr.com/p/5047067.html
  • Recruit
    HackerRank近日获得七百五十万美元投资 [caption id="attachment_8176" align="alignnone" width="720"] Tech Hiring Matchmaker HackerRank Draws $7.5M From Global HR Firm[/caption] HackerRank近日获得七百五十万美元投资 程序员招聘竞赛平台HackerRank近日宣布从日本人力资源巨头Recruit获得七百五十万美元投资。HackerRank让应聘者在线完成真实项目的编程挑战,从而来为企业筛选出能力优秀、符合招聘需求的技术人员。HackerRank的联合创始人兼首席执行官Vivek Ravisankar表示, Recruit成为股东将有助于HackerRank扩展在亚太地区的业务。Recruit可以成为HackerRank在亚太地区企业和应聘者的入口。 去年11月有报道国内有一家Hackerrank 的平台: HackerRank模式的中国尝试者:oxcoder让程序猿在线完成项目挑战来帮企业做招聘笔试 http://www.hrtechchina.com/archives/4383 原文来自: http://www.xconomy.com/san-francisco/2015/07/14/tech-hiring-matchmaker-hackerrank-draws-7-5m-from-global-hr-firm/ HackerRank, which hosts online competitions that help programmers flaunt their skills to potential employers like Amazon and Quora, said today it has landed a $7.5 million investment from the funding arm of Japan-based human resources giant Recruit. The new alliance with Recruit will help Palo Alto, CA-based HackerRank scale up its business in the Asia Pacific region, CEO and co-founder Vivek Ravisankar says. Recruit could be HackerRank’s gateway to both employers and job candidates in that part of the world, he says. HackerRank counts as customers more than a thousand employers such as Walmart, Bloomberg, and Morgan Stanley, which pay for access to programmers who score high in HackerRank’s online coding challenges, Ravisankar says. All have made at least one hire facilitated by HackerRank, he says. Recruit itself is not a client—yet. “I think we’ll get them soon,” Ravisankar (pictured above) says. Ravisankar and his co-founder Harishankaran Karunanidhi, who started the company in 2012, want to change the way tech workers and employers find each other. Under traditional staff search processes, tech applicants send their resumes into the “black hole” of company hiring departments, while recruiters spend hours sifting through resumes to find good prospects, Ravisankar says. Employers may then spend weeks doing interviews to try to gauge the applicants’ actual technical abilities. HackerRank’s competitions are designed to speed up that process, and open opportunities to people regardless of their gender, race, location, or the prestige of their university degrees. Hackers can log in to the site to improve their skills, compete in challenges, and gain rankings across a range of specific areas such as algorithms, machine learning, and streamlining code. For employers looking to hire skilled new tech team members, it’s kind of like consulting a Moneyball analysis of programmers, Ravisankar says. “They’re getting to talk to high-quality candidates from the start,” Ravisankar says. HackerRank has screened more than a million developers over the last couple of years, he says. More than 150,000 active programmers used the site over the past month. In addition to the chance of getting a job offer, hackers can win cash prizes or tech toys such as GoPro cameras, drones, and laptops by performing well in the contests. HackerRank has built a reputation as “the go-to community for tech talent analysis,” HR Technology Fund president Chihiro Ueda said in a statement about the Recruit fund’s investment in the startup. “As the demand for technology talent continues to outstrip supply, HackerRank offers an efficient way for HR professionals to evaluate talent beyond traditional means.’’ The Recruit fund’s investment brings HackerRank’s total fundraising to $17 million. The company’s earlier financial backing came from Y Combinator, Khosla Ventures, and Battery Ventures, among other investors. Ravisankar says HackerRank’s competitors include companies such as San Francisco-based recruiting software company Gild. Gild compiles profiles of working professionals from dozens of sites, and helps employers find those who best match their needs. HackerRank’s clients include small to medium-sized businesses as well as larger enterprises, Ravisankar says. The company charges fees of $5,000 to $10,000 a year, per user, depending on the extra features clients want to add. These include CodePair, a skills-testing tool employers can use during the interview process. HackerRank also enables companies to set up their own hacker challenges on their websites’ career landing pages. Ravisankar says he expects HackerRank’s revenues to reach “the double-digits of millions of dollars” in the next three to four months. The company may double its current staff size of 120 within a year, he says. HackerRank is one of a growing number of online forums where programmers can demonstrate their computer science skills, outside the academic credentialing system of degrees from accredited colleges and universities. For example, Utah-based online learning company Pluralsight offers skills tests through its divisionSmarterer, and hackers can showcase their work on tech projects throughGitHub. HackerRank is also making inroads into the academic system. Professors at 74 colleges are using HackerRank’s challenge infrastructure at no charge to set programming tasks for their students, rather than posting the assignments via e-mail, downloading each student’s work, and computing the rankings themselves. Once the classroom service becomes better known, HackerRank will market it as a product to colleges and universities, Ravisankar says. But HackerRank will remain an avenue of opportunity for people who have never earned a degree, says Ravisankar. The company’s core mission is to create a meritocratic route to tech employment, he says. Fees will never be charged to hackers entering one of the company’s coding contests, he says. “They will never pay,” Ravisankar says. “It will always be free forever.”
  • Recruit
    日本招聘巨头Recruit 3900万美元收购教育科技创业公司Quipper Quipper是一家教育科技创业公司,总部位于伦敦,其分部涵盖包括印度尼西亚和泰国在内的9个国家,它为全球150万多名学生和150000名教师提供教育支持与帮助。   日前,日本招聘巨头Recruit以3900万美元收购了Quipper,至此,2015年亚洲的教育科技类公司的交易量持续增长。此次收购是一项战略性举措,使Recruit的教育水平直线上升,并扩大了其k – 12产品在全球的销售渠道。   Quipper,2010年在英国建立,它最初是通过Quipper Quiz手机移动端平台帮助初学者学习语言和数学的。随后,2014年,Quipper推出了Quipper School以及在线学习平台的k – 12,此平台的教学内容与政府认可课程同步。   Quipper School首先在菲律宾创建,之后扩展到了包括印度尼西亚、泰国和墨西哥在内的九个国家,现在,它为全球150万多名学生和150000名教师提供教育支持与帮助。   2012年,Recruit因收购全球最大的工作招聘网站Indeed.com而闻名。Recruit一直对教育行业兴趣浓厚,它们也通过两个系统提供教育服务,一个是Benkyo Sapuri(课外辅导),另一个Juken Sapuri(高考辅导)为高考生提供学习辅导。   目前,Juken Sapuri以学习精要高质量数字点播的方式,及较低的月订阅费(平均每月10每月)赢得了市场,打破了原有100亿美元考试产业的垄断。此次收购为它们迅速扩张的k – 12的用户群和准备学生们后阶段的高考建立了联系。   “Recruit以商业领域的“破坏者”和创新者而闻名,它们对如何在科技教育领域发挥作用很在行。最重要的是,我们两个企业对未来抱有共同的愿景。”Quipper的首席执行官Masayuki Watanabe说到。 Quipper 和Recruit 在教育服务领域有一个共同的理念,正如它们当前的策略一样,强调以低价格提供高质量的服务。Recruit知道如何发展技术并使Quipper的资本增值。Recruit战略突出,在过去的18个月里,它们仅在亚洲的员工就从2名增加到了60名。   “作为一个创业公司,Quipper灵活应变,应对了诸多挑战,但它也存在局限性。Recruit大量优质的业务资源无疑会加速我们公司的成长,”Quipper的营销总监Takuya Homma说到。   随着电子教育平台的迅速崛起,其他类似的教育平台,如美国的Edmodo,近年来也筹集了很多资金以实现转型。在数字化方面,教育部门明显落后于其他行业,但现如今,主导的出版商不断寻求学习和教育的数字化发展,该情况得到了改善。   数字化的缓慢应用不仅为创业公司提供了机会,也为非传统企业进入教育平台和空间提供了机会,正如马来西亚的企业巨头YTL集团。通过与国家教育部(MoE)的直接合作,YTL发展了Frog Education,一个虚拟学习平台 (VLE) ,为马来西亚10000多所学校提供教育服务。 与Edmodo还有 Frog Education一样,Quipper School 通过云平台来下发作业来简化老师的备课和评估工作,发挥了巨大的作用。   游戏化的教学元素、对学生详尽的分析、与各国国家教育部同步的课程,以及当地的相关教材和老师,使Quipper 在新兴市场处于十分有利位置。   Japan’s Recruit Holdings buys edtech startup Quipper for US$39M Edtech dealflow across Asia continues to increase in 2015 as edtech startup Quipper has just been acquired by Japan-based Recruit Holdings for US$39 million. The acquisition appears to be a strategic move that will enable Recruit’s education vertical to enhance and expand their K-12 products globally.   Founded in the UK in 2010, Quipper began with Quipper Quiz, a mobile-based quiz platform that helped learners to primarily study language and math subjects. The company then pivoted in 2014 with the launch of Quipper School, an online learning platform for the K-12 segment that features content aligned with government-approved curriculum.   Initially launched in the Philippines, Quipper School has since expanded to nine countries including Indonesia, Thailand and Mexico and now serves over 1.5 million students and 150,000 teachers.   Known for their acquisition of the world’s largest job recruitment website Indeed.com in 2012, Recruit has a strong interest in the education vertical as they also provide educational services through Benkyo Sapuri (Japanese for “study supplement”), and grade 12 university entrance exam test prep Juken Sapuri (Japanese for “entrance exam supplement”).   Juken Sapuri is currently disrupting the US$10 billion exam prep industry in Japan with quality digital on-demand content and low monthly subscription fees that are considerably cheaper than other test prep alternatives at an average cost of US$10 per month. The acquisition appears to be an attempt to provide a link between a rapidly expanding K-12 user base and their eventual need for university test prep at the later phase of secondary education.   “Recruit is famous for being a disrupter and innovator of business and has a lot of know-how on this edtech business domain as well. And above all, we share the same vision,” said Quipper’s CEO Masayuki Watanabe.   Quipper and Recruit appear to share a common approach in providing educational services as their current strategy is backed by an emphasis on relevant high-quality content at lower price points. Recruit’s business development know-how and capital will add value to Quipper’s current capacity and strategy which has undergone a growth spurt of two employees to 60 in Asia alone over the past 18 months.   “As a startup, Quipper could be agile and make a lot of trials flexibly but there was a limit to it. With Recruit’s substantial and excellent business assets we can now surely accelerate our growth,” said Takuya Homma, Marketing Director at Quipper.   Similar education platforms such as US-based Edmodo have also raised considerable funding in recent years as the steady switch to educational digital content begins to gain more momentum. The education sector has lagged behind other sectors in digital adoption as the dominant publishers position themselves for a new era of learning and education itself becomes redefined.   The slow adoption to digital has provided opportunities for not only startups but also non-traditional players to enter the educational platform and content space as is the case with Malaysia’s corporate giant YTL Group. In direct cooperation with the national Ministry of Education (MoE) YTL has helped to develop Frog Education, a Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) that provides content and communication services to over 10,000 schools in Malaysia.   Similar to Edmodo and Frog Education, Quipper School creates value by minimising teacher preparation and grading time by providing them with an easy to use cloud platform to create and distribute homework online.   High student retention rates as a result of gamified elements, more detailed data and analysis for each student, and curriculum directly aligned with MoE standards for each country in addition to local teacher input for localisation and content relevancy has put Quipper in a strong position to engage new markets.   The author is the Co-founder and Managing Director of EdTech Asia, a consultancy, information and research hub that fosters a community of education and technology enthusiasts.  Source:e27 原文链接:http://e27.co/japans-recruit-holdings-buys-edtech-startup-quipper-us39m-20150705/
  • Recruit
    日本人力巨头Recruit将收购两家澳企 // // 澳大利亚《金融评论报》1月15日报道,日本人力资源服务巨头Recruit即将收购本土上市同行Chandler Macleod,交易价值3.82亿澳元,比后者当前市值1.658亿澳元高出130%。据悉,Recruit将向对方支付2.9亿澳元,同时接手对方的债务。   Recruit是全球最大人力资源服务公司之一,市值2.04万亿日圆(215亿澳元)。该公司还会从Navis手中收购澳大利亚最大技术雇佣公司Peoplebank,但交易金额尚不明朗。澳大利亚人力资源服务商目前经历着一轮重大的整合。 Chandler Macleod正处于为期两年的盘活阶段,这个计划使其削减了成本。该公司2013财年的净利润跌至仅有1,110万澳元。许多投资者认为其增长前景不佳,利润率低。Peoplebank的CEO艾奇逊(Petert Acheson)表示,交易将令该公司继续在亚洲扩张。Peoplebank最近在马来西亚开设了办事处,正计划在新加坡提供银行招聘服务。艾奇逊说:“没有发生合并。双方会各自独立运作。我们将继续在澳大利亚和东南亚扩张。”   来源:环球网
  • Recruit
    在线招聘,老兵不会死 从去年年底开始,在线招聘领域的投资就没有断过。今年 4 月高端猎头网站“猎聘网”获得由华平投资领投,经纬中国跟投的 C 轮 7000 万美元融资;与此同时,垂直招聘网站 "拉勾网" 也被报道完成 A 轮 500 万美元投资,拉勾在 8 月又获得了 2500 万美元的 B 轮融资;同样是互联网,IT 人才招聘网站“哪上班”确认获得王淮、Philip Su、朱华明三人天使投资;专注程序员招聘的内推网也在去年就拿到了创新工场 250 万元天使投资......     一般来说,如果一个领域被投资人看好,常常是因为(1)既有的老的模式将要被颠覆(2)市场很有潜力需要扩容。对很多人来说,在线招聘上前者的意味更甚,拉勾网创始人许单单在一次公开分享中提到,   前程无忧、智联招聘一直使用的 Monster 模式在美国已经快死了,前程无忧、智联招聘在过去十年基本没有任何长进,甚至把很多并不是很高端的用户也变成了猎头的用户。     确实,仔细看前程无忧最近发布的财报,会发现前程无忧的营收结构在过去一年间基本没有太大的改变。在运营策略上也依然以传统招聘网站的销售 + 广告为主。忽略掉因为互联网和国内人才需求增长带来的福利,这家公司在过去风云变化的 12 个月,还是固守着过去 10 年未曾改变的模式。智联招聘的报表上也有相似的情况,不过支出的增长还包括“商业开发支出增长、以及租赁费用增长。     但是财报上也有不能忽略的数据。智联招聘的财报显示,智联招聘总营收 2.935 亿元人民币,同比增长 22.6%,超华尔街分析师预期;前程无忧的报告中,第三季度总营收为人民币 4.740 亿元,同比增长 13.0%。增长率均高于 HR 行业平均水平;中国市场的人口红利同样不能忽视,一线城市之外,三四线城市的人才缺口正随着企业的进入而逐渐显现。根据智联招聘发布的《2014 年第三季度就业信心指数》,三四线城市招聘需求同比增长 29%,远高于全国 23% 的平均水平。     所以,国内被唱衰的在线招聘老大哥们到底会不会重蹈Monster的覆辙?这好像还是一个尚未定论的问题。 回顾过去,国内三大招聘网站都是向 Monster 模式学习,过去也确实奏效。但是随着时间的推移,市场对效率和精确性提出了更高的要求,Monster 模式下海量简历砸海量公司的模式已经不能满足这些需求。较全盛时期,Monster 股价已经跌去 88%,它的收入和 LinkedIn 差不多,但是市值仅 6 亿美元,与 180 亿美元的 LinkedIn 相差 30 倍。11 月 4 日在发布了 Q3 的财报后,股价下跌将近 40%,连续亏损之下,CEO Sal Iannuzzi 也黯然离场。     在新形势下取代 Monster 成为全球招聘业热点的,是上市的日本招聘企业Recruit。Recruit 去年全年营收 1.2 万亿日元(约合 109.6 亿美元),税前利润率达 15.2%,营业利润大于世界排名前三的公司营业利润总和。今年 10 月 Recruit 在东京证券交易所挂牌上市,市值 180 亿美元,与 LinkedIn 相当。同时 Recruit 也是前程无忧的最大股东,持有 40% 以上的股份。     Recruit 成功的关键点在于运用手中的数据提高了求职者、招聘企业双方的效率,达到精确匹配的目的。     Recruit到底是怎样做到的呢? 求职者:Recruit 不仅提供基础的职位搜索,还为不同阶段的求职者提供职业咨询顾问服务。求职者工作后,还能从 Recruit 获得在线职业教育,并通过不断更新简历获得被猎头发现的机会。   企业:Recruit 为企业提供招聘广告刊登、临时工招聘等基本人力资源服务。如果企业有需要,Recruit 还能提供企业人力资源咨询、员工安置人力事物外包、组织培训和发展等深度服务。   同时接触到求职者和企业,让Recruit的数据更加的真实有效。这样的模式下数据的精确度和数量都是 Monster 的一个简历没有办法相比的,很多日本求职者从毕业开始就一直使用 Recruit 的服务,职位投递记录,职业发展轨迹,在线教育记录都在 Recruit 的平台上。在数据的反馈下,Recruit 能够更加清晰的了解整个市场环境,为求职者和企业提供顾问服务,形成一个正向循环。     总的来说,Recruit 同时深度了解双边客户的情况,在此基础上提供深度的服务,改变了过去 Monster 一篮子简历买卖生意的模式。从 Recruit 2014 年 Q2 的财报来看,Recruit 的 HR 业务占到整体业务的 73%,其中人力资源信息占到 22%,利润率为 36%;人才外包服务 51%,利润率为 17%。 但事实上做出这样新模式的Recruit并不是一家初创公司,它是一家成立于上个世纪60年代的公司,还是前程无忧的最大股东。期间经历了比现在前程无忧、智联招聘还要艰难的局面。     Recruit 成立以校园招聘广告代理商起家。赶上 80 年代日本经济迅速发展的福利,Recruit 的人力资源业务一路突飞猛进。Recruit 的商业模式在现在看起来同样的熟悉,他们为求职者提供刊载有招聘信息的杂志,通过杂志了解读者的情况,同时为企业提供人力资源相关的咨询和培训服务。中途也 Recruit 也失落了很久,80 年代末,因政治贿赂丑闻 Recruit 的声誉一落千丈,创始人锒铛入狱,时任首相 Noboru Takeshita 也因此辞职,Recruit 也被超商 Dabei 收购。     2000 年独立后,Recruit开始涉足互联网相关的在线招聘服务,成为日本在线招聘巨头。之后逐渐将业务扩展到香港、台北、新加坡等地。从 2005 年开始基于在线数据为企业提供咨询服务。2006 年入股前程无忧,10 年收购猎头公司伯乐,12 年推出针对应届生的 Recruitment Navi,Rikunabi Direct,同年全资收购美国在线招聘网站Indeed.com,为整个集团的 HR 业务提供强大的算法和模型的支持。     从 Recruit 的例子上看,在整个人力资源服务行业中,老兵们拥有更多的数据和资源,如果愿意,他们可以做很多高效整合行业链的事情。再反观 Monster 的失败,更像是一个领导层管理思路的问题,Monster 前 CEO Sal Iannuzzi 在接受华尔街日报采访时坦言, 在 Monster 的经营上,我过去把利润这件事看得太重,只考虑了有益于股票投资人的事情。 那么谁更有可能在中国做成Recruit模式? 在中国,智联招聘、前程无忧这样的公司做这些事情或许会顺手一点。目前活跃的市场和外界的冲击也是智联招聘、前程无忧借鉴 Recruit 的经验, 推动内部转型的好时机。     从数据的来源上看,前程无忧和智联招聘在互联网外其他垂直领域有很好的积累,它们拥有大量长期合作的用户和多年来积累的一手调研行业、企业需求数据;在应届生资源上,前程无忧和智联招聘在国内校园招聘市场上有极高的渗透率,能够获取求职者从职业生涯开始阶段就具有的特性、爱好点、跳槽概率、发展潜力等信息。     LinkedIn 目前已经在使用大数据的方式进行招聘服务,企业通过 LinkedIn 的平台,能够搜索到大量符合要求的,但暂时还没有换工作打算的“被动求职者”,LinkedIn 用户中更高的即时简历更新率也是竞争优势。但 LinkedIn 的短板在于入华不久,主要用户也还是在互联网相关行业。     在今年投资领域非常火爆的互联网垂直招聘行业,几家创业公司都是从源头就极大简化了信息来源,但是增进准确度的同时其实是牺牲掉了来自应届生的数据和其他垂直行业的数据。无论是拉勾还是哪上班,他们都向36氪表示,希望避免出现应届生涌入的状况。     从数据的应用来看,大型的招聘网站有能力将数据支持下的顾问服务迅速推广到更广的范围。在行业上,除了互联网垂直招聘领域,目前其他行业的在线招聘服务还是主要由前程无忧和智联招聘掌握,他们有能量在多个垂直行业范围内同步推进。在地域上,在垂直招聘领域和 LinkedIn 这样的高端的求职社区都几乎没有渗透率的沿海三、四线城市,中西部城市,智联和前程无忧有先天优势。     智联招聘已经开始在尝试转型,他们上线了“卓聘”这样的产品,为学生、白领、高端人士等人群提供线上、线下的测评、网络招聘、教育等服务。     当然,前程无忧、智联招聘并不是完全稳操胜券。LinkedIn 在在线招聘领域的大数据应用上已经先行一步;拉勾、哪上班、内推这些新公司拥有优秀的算法和技术。以哪上班为例,他们开发出了一个智能简历投递系统,主动的帮用户投简历。当然,他们还有新公司的优势——面对市场更快的反应机制。     不管最后会是智联、前程,还是未来的 LinkedIn,或是渐渐壮大的拉勾、猎聘成为 Recruit,对于整个在线招聘行业都是很大的进步,在线招聘的行业价值变为最大化的利用手中的资源服务用户,而不是单一的考虑挣钱。     智联、前程虽然手握重金和深厚的客户资源,但凡客和陈年的故事告诉我们,进行内部改革的勇气不亚于再一次创业。体量像智联、前程这样的企业,特别是在现在看起来还不错的营收面前,进行改革和创新需要更坚定的决心。   [36氪原创文章,作者: 饭遥]
  • Recruit
    日本第一大人力资源服务商Recruit营收同比增11.3% ,盈利能力下降 日本第一大人力资源服务供应商Recruit最新财务数据显示,截至2014年9月30日的六个月该公司营收同比上涨10.4%至6,173亿日元(约合53亿美元)。2014财年上半年Recruit毛利润为3,040亿日元(约合26亿美元),运营利润却同比下滑3.2%至534亿日元(约合4.618亿美元);2014财年上半年净利润同比下滑4.1%至284亿日元(约合2.456亿美元)。该公司表示,之所以盈利能力有所下降,其原因在于Recruit战略调整正在实施中长期增长的投资策略。   值得强调的是,Recruit人才服务业务在2014财年上半年的营收为3,281亿日元(约合28亿美元),同比增幅达11.3%。据悉,人才服务业务营收占该公司总营收的53%。Recruit人才服务业务在2014财年上半年中的息税折旧摊销前利润同比也大幅上涨13.1%至189亿日元(约合1.61亿美元)。 财报还显示,Recruit本土市场日本的人才服务业务市场依旧在呈现出稳步拓张趋势。日本本土市场人才服务业务在2014年上半年的营收为1,915亿日元(约合17亿美元)。Recruit海外市场中的北美及欧洲区业务扩张形势进一步加强,其海外人才服务业务营收同比上涨13.2%至1,365亿日元(约合12亿美元)。 Recruit Holdings revenue up by over 10%  (Nov. 17, 2014,/staffingindustry.com/)Recruit Holdings (6098: JP), the largest staffing firm in Japan, reported revenue of JPY 617.3 billion (USD 5.3 billion) for the six months ending 30 September 2014, an increase of +10.4% over the same period in 2013. The company achieved gross profit for the period of JPY 304 billion (USD 2.6 billion), while operating income of JPY 53.4 billion (USD 461.8 million) decreased by -3.2% compared to 2013. Net income decreased by -4.1% to JPY 28.4 billion (USD 245.6 million), year-on-year. The reduction in profitability was attributed to investments carried out for medium-term growth. The Staffing segment which represents 53% of the company’s total revenue reported revenue of JPY 328.1 billion (USD 2.8 billion) for the six month period, an increase of 11.3% over the same period last year. Staffing EBITDA was JPY 18.9 billion (USD 161 million), an increase of +13.1% over the same period in 2013.   According to the company’s financial statement; the domestic staffing market continues to enjoy a moderate expansion trend as the number of active agency workers remain on an upward trend. Revenue from domestic staffing during the period was JPY 191.5 billion (USD 1.7 billion). In the overseas staffing market, operations in North America and Europe enjoyed a moderate expansion trend. Net sales were favourable, reflecting steady growth in business performance and successful growth of outsourcing services at Advantage Resourcing Europe. Revenue from overseas staffing operations was JPY 136.5 billion (USD 1.2 billion), an increase of +13.2%. 来源:staffingindustry.com