独角“尸”之年 一篇令人沮丧的文章正在硅谷流传
如果说2015年是独角兽之年,那么2016年就成了独角尸(unicorpse)之年——商业内幕(Business Insider)网站就是这样定义的。
进入2016年后,风投融资环境恶化,科技公司IPO几乎停滞,整个硅谷都感受到了估值泡沫的寒意。许多曾经雄心勃勃的独角兽公司都迎来了令人头痛的生死时刻:风光一时的验血公司 Theranos现在正被刑事调查,金融技术初创企业Powa宣布破产,Zenefits 在CEO 因监管丑闻辞职后进行裁员。令人艳羡的硅谷如今充斥着失望与焦虑,人们曾经重塑世界的梦想最终变成了一份份艰难而不稳定的工作。那些曾经充满自豪地穿着公司文化衫的员工们,方才大梦初醒,在平静中心生绝望。
揭露浮华背后的真相开始在硅谷盛行起来,如今硅谷人都在读一篇名为《恐怖谷》(Uncanny Valley)的博客,作者Anna Wiener以第一人称描述了一家濒死初创企业员工“最后的日子”。
职位列表是一个了解HR有趣想法的好地方,在这里也能看到23岁人眼中的工作与生活平衡是什么样的。创业公司的招聘信息向来写得天花乱坠:有竞争性的薪酬、牙齿视力医保、401 k(养老保险)、免费健身房会员卡、共进午餐、自行车存放、滑雪旅行、拉斯维加斯论坛、随取的精酿啤酒和康普茶、品酒会、星期三的威士忌日、星期五的开放酒吧日、按摩、瑜伽、桌球、乒乓球、游戏之夜、电影之夜、卡丁车……我们有排名前20的工程师,我们不仅仅是做另一个社交网络APP,我们不只是做另一个项目管理工具,我们不只是做另一个付款处理器。用最新的硬件设计你的终极工作台,改变你周围的世界,帮助人类繁荣发展!我们会努力工作,大声笑,用力击掌庆祝……看到这些,有时我甚至会忘了,这是在申请夏令营还是找工作?
而我们这家被 VC 投了几百万美元的媒体公司,办公室却很性感:动物皮革双人沙发、电吉他、柚木书柜,看起来就像我 22 岁时梦想的音乐人男友的家一样。这让我简直想脱掉衣服、鞋,躺下去,永远不会离开……
So I thought I was going to hate this (yet another bitter, one-sided take on startup culture), but I love it.
我以为我会讨厌这个(又是一篇苦涩、狭隘的看待创业文化的文章),但我喜欢它。— Ashley Mayer (@ashleymayer) April 28, 2016
从中你读到很多新鲜事并且立刻明白以后历史学家将会通过读它来试图理解2016年的“技术”。— Jeff Jarvis (@xor) April 25, 2016
读了这个后,之前对硅谷初创企业员工的嫉妒心全都被治愈了。— Will Oremus (@WillOremus) April 28, 2016
编者注:本文作者Hunter Walk曾就职于YouTube和Google,2013年成立了一家为初创企业提供种子轮基金和商业咨询服务的风投公司Homebrew。
当创始人已经考虑到这个问题后,他们该怎么去完成。一个考虑周全的计划除了假设外还应该有Plan B,如果招聘工程师的时间真的比预期长,创始人们也应该知道哪些外包公司可以提供帮助。
想要建立一个高级团队,却只能雇佣一般人才?那你是永远也成为不了Top 10创企的。你展示的招聘计划,将能折射出你日后想领导的公司,而不是一张组织架构图。
When The VC Asks: About Your Hiring Plan
“Growing the team” is almost always one of the ways entrepreneurs utilize new investment dollars. Whether it’s adding capacity to an existing function (#MawrEngineers) or bringing new talents onboard (“we intend to make our first marketing hire”), glossing over these bullet points towards the back of the pitch deck would be a mistake. I’m interested in not just what these people will be doing but how and when they’ll be hired. So when Homebrew asks about your hiring plan, here’s what I’m often looking for:
Unicorns Needed? Excellence is always hard to find (and should be valued no matter what the discipline) but if you’re looking for someone with, for example, general online marketing skills, a junior visual designer or the first community support team hire, I consider it pretty low risk. Those people are out there. If your execution roadmap is dependent upon a very specialized set of experiences, relationships or accreditation, I’m going to spend more time understanding the need, both because maybe we can help you fill the position and getting this person (or not) could result in a binary outcome for the business. For example, if you need to deal with record labels, there are a handful of really good business development executives who understand the dynamics of those companies and know who to call. If you’re scaling a service, the difference between an average smart engineer and a few dozen people who have successfully done it before with Google, Facebook, YouTube, Dropbox is enormous. I recommend to founders that if there’s a unicorn you need who isn’t on founding team, (a) start identifying those people in advance of fundraising and (b) prepare to compensate them generously via equity.
Do You Know Who You’re Hiring? A few months back I was talking with a small company raising their seed round. Their ultimate goal was a native mobile app but they’d built a proof of concept on web (with some light mobile web responsiveness). It was pretty nice but neither of them had sufficient native mobile app development experience (they were smart and likely could have learned, but that’s additional investment risk). Accordingly, some of their capital raise was aimed at hiring two mobile iOS engineers. Sounds great. My question to them was “Do you know who you’re going to hire?” Their response: “you mean like literally who?” The entrepreneurs had some ties into the broader startup community so weren’t completely on an island but hadn’t sourced or vetted any candidates. There was no one waiting to sign on as soon as the term sheet was signed. For an investor this can be a red flag unless you have proven experience building up high quality team quickly or clear access to large talent pools that will want to work with you for some reason (the tech is so cool; you’ve got brand heat; etc).
My general advice is to start your hiring process ahead of fundraise so you can show momentum. One easy tactic – place the job listing on AngelList or similar and collect responses, even if you’re not ready to bring people in yet. Then when the VC asks about the role you can say “we’ve got 75 candidates in the pipeline who were excited enough about the role and our vision to apply.” Note that I don’t think this is just kabuki for your potential VCs, it’s actually the momentum required to remain on a high growth pace, which brings us to…
Execution Risk Tied To Hiring Plan? Pitch decks usually have a set of expected milestones – features, number of customers, city launches, revenue run rate, etc – that this funding round is intended to accomplish over an estimated time frame. One often undiscussed aspect of this plan is it assumes a certain hiring plan, so I usually ask “is there schedule risk tied to new hires?”
For example, if you are assuming the goals are only realistic if a new engineer is onboarded monthly for the next year, I want to make sure you’re going to be able to hire at that pace without impacting quality. You may need slightly more runway, or if a hire takes longer than expected, to readjust the schedule or shrink the build list. I’m not looking for a binary “correct” or “incorrect” assessment, I’m trying to understand if the founders have considered the topic and how they intend to manage. Thoughtful discussions recognize the the assumptions and even have some fallbacks, such as, if engineer hiring takes longer than expected, they know contracting firms they can lean on.
Will You Be Hiring for Culture Fit? Your culture starts with your first hire. We like to get a feel for what attributes you’re prioritizing and do you know what questions to ask in order to assess. Many first time founders haven’t run hiring processes before, especially outside of their functional discipline. That’s fine – early stage founders aren’t expected to know everything. You want to show that you can solve any problem. Ensuring you have a strong hiring processes which fits the type of candidates you are evaluating is something we can help with. Saying you don’t care about culture so long as the team gets the job done? We’re probably not a great fit for you then.
Founder Mindset: Lastly asking about your hiring plan and future org chart tells me a bit more about how you’re approaching leadership. A bloated org full of fancy titles and layers of management? That’s not healthy for a startup. Hiring a Head of Product as one of your first 10 employees? Unless you’re purely a business founder we want to see product vision and leadership on the founding team, not hired on. Building a senior team but pushing back on having a healthy employee option pool? Won’t work out well. Present your hiring plan as a reflection of the company you want to lead, not just one where you’re a box on the org chart.
Hopefully this was a helpful overview of what VCs are really asking about for early stage financing discussions of hiring (or at least what we think about at Homebrew). If there are other topics that fit into the WhenTheVCAsks format just suggest them in the comments.