招聘网站 Hired 有了新掌门
Hired 管理层近期做了一些调整:公司总裁梅胡尔·帕特尔(Mehul Patel)已被晋升为首席执行官,而前任首席执行官、创始人马特·米基维兹(Matt Mickiewicz)则出任首席产品官。
帕特尔曾供职于 Lyft、甲骨文、CNET 和 Kaggle 等公司,两年前加盟 Hired。帕特尔告诉我,这其实并不是像一些人所认为的那种大规模调整。实际上,他透露管理层更迭计划已酝酿了很久,甚至在正式宣布之前,他本人就已承担了越来越多的管理责任。
帕特尔其实在今年 7 月份便已成为 Hired 的首席执行官,只不过他对自己的晋升相对低调(我认为,对于任何一个之前看到过他 LinkedIn 主页 的人来说,他们其实已经知道帕特尔获得晋升。)
Hired 最近还任命了该公司历史上首位首席营销官——朱尼·哈姆(Juney Ham),此人是投资顾问创业公司 Upside 的联合创始人。
在业务增长方面,帕特尔表示 Hired 自 2012 年创建以来,年营收始终以两倍的同比速度增长,预计明年的营收将达到 1 亿美元。Hired 已经在 9 座城市投入全面运营,还在另外 4 座城市进行试运营。Hired 刚刚签了一份租赁合同,在旧金山的 Mid-Market 区租用了 2.5 万平方英尺的办公地。
Hired 的客户包括 Facebook、Twitch 和 Uber 等公司。此外,据帕特尔估计,Hired 工程团队 95%的人员都是由该公司自己招来的,作为一家以人才招聘为主的创业公司,这也是自然而然的事情。
Hired 表示,它会结合计算机算法和人为因素,以严格的程序对求职者进行筛选,所以雇主根本不必一份份地仔细查看厚厚几摞简历。接着,招聘企业会给求职者发来一封信,里面对他们将要获得的待遇做出细致描述,如果他们最终接受了这份工作,还将从 Hired 获得 2000 美元的奖励。
也许最为重要的是,求职者不用与试图填补某项岗位空白的招聘企业直接打交道,而是要与 Hired 人才顾问合作,他们会基于求职者的具体要求做出职业推荐。
Hired 最初专注于技术岗位,后来将业务范围扩大到销售领域。帕特尔表示,最终 Hired 可以被用于“营销人员、人力资源师、会计以及建筑师等——所有知识型员工应该都可以通过这种方式找到工作。”
Recruiting Startup Hired Has A New CEO
There’s been a bit of a leadership shuffle at Hired: President Mehul Patel has been promoted to CEO, while the previous CEO, founder Matt Mickiewicz, has become chief product officer.
Patel (who has also worked at Lyft, Oracle, CNET and Kaggle, and who joined Hired two years ago), told me this isn’t as big a deal as you might think. In fact, he said there was a longtime transition plan in place, and even before the official switch, he’d been taking on more and more business responsibilities.
“It’s not a dramatic change,” he said. So why make the change now?
“All the signs were this model is working and we have product market fit. The growth rate of the business is increasing, so it seemed like a good time to have the CEO transition.”
Patel actually became CEO back in July, but the company has been relatively quiet about it (though I guess the promotion was apparent to anyone who looked at his LinkedIn page).
The company recently hired its first CMO, too — Juney Ham, co-founder and investment advisor of startup Upside.
On the growth front, Patel said Hired’s revenue has been tripling year-over-year since it was founded in 2012 and is projected to reach a $100 million annualized run rate next year. The service is fully launched in nine cities and in beta testing in another four. And the company it just signed a lease on a 25,000 square foot office in San Francisco’s Mid-Market neighborhood.
Companies that have used Hired include Facebook, Twitch and Uber. Plus, naturally, Hired itself — Patel estimated that about 95 percent of the engineering team came in through the Hired service.
Hired says it screens job candidates through a rigorous process combining algorithms and human curation, so employers don’t need to sift through a giant pile of résumés. Candidates are then wooed by the companies with “reverse cover letters,” they get transparency into compensation and they receive a $2,000 bonus from Hired if they accept a job.
The service was initially focused on tech roles, but it has since expanded to sales jobs. Ultimately, Patel said Hired could be used “for marketers, for human resources, for accounts for architects — all knowledge workers should be able to find a job this way.”
编者按 : 张劭谦(Norman Chang)是知名人才管理顾问咨询公司 PCI Executive Search 驻北京顾问。
根据中国政府公布的数据,2015 年第一季度中国 GDP 同比增长 7%。尽管这一数据远低于前几年的两位数增速,但仍然能吸引外国公司对中国科技市场进行投资。
对于应届毕业生,美国的薪酬标准比中国应届毕业生的薪酬标准高出 4.5 万美元。随着他们开始走上不同层次的领导岗位,双方的薪酬差距开始显著缩小,最终两条线在“主管”级别几乎相交。
为了吸引人才,中国本土科技公司如今正采用激进的薪酬方案。中国本土公司提供的激励方案,比他们看中的目标人选当前薪水高出 30%甚至 100%。
China Draws Executives From Silicon Valley
Norman ChangCrunch Network Contributor
Norman Chang is a consultant at PCI Executive Search Consultants in Beijing.
China recently published its GDP growth for Q1 of 2015 at 7 percent. While this figure is drastically lower than the double-digit growth seen in previous years, it has still attracted foreign companies to invest and enter into the Chinese technology market.
As a result, salary and compensation packages for executives at Chinese tech companies are approaching those of Silicon Valley, and working for Chinese technology companies is now a viable and competitive alternative for technology executives.
China: The New Silicon Valley?
In the past, the term “local hire” indicated relatively low salaries and benefits as compared to expatriate packages. Today, compensation in China tells a much different story, and “local hire” salaries in China’s technology sector are nearly the same as those seen in Silicon Valley at the senior executive level.
The U.S. has a salary benchmark for recent graduates that is US$45,000 higher than salaries paid to recent Chinese graduates. As talent progresses through the levels of leadership, the pay gap decreases significantly, and salaries almost intersect at the Director level.
Beyond fixed cash salaries, several Chinese companies offer allowance quotas available to middle- and senior-level executives, which permit income deductions for housing, food and transportation costs.
These deductions can reach upwards of 30-35 percent. Local Chinese tech companies are employing aggressive compensation strategies to attract talent. Local companies offer incentives that range from a 30 percent increase to doubling a candidate’s current salary.
What Are Tech Companies In China Looking For?
Beyond the standard prerequisites of technical and managerial skills, an attractive candidate for a Chinese technology company must have a strong understanding of diversity. Diversity in this sense is broken down into two classes: work diversity and cultural diversity.
A diverse work experience represents an overseas education or international work experience, and includes working for a large multi-national corporation in China or abroad.
Cultural diversity refers to experience and flexibility in working with different management and leadership styles. For example, large multi-national corporations are known for their strict standard operating procedures; local companies operate with speed, agility and aggressiveness in achieving internal and external goals.
Set a strategic course by selecting the right organization for each stage of your career.
A blend of work diversity and cultural diversity demonstrates substantial competence to a Chinese tech company. An ideal candidate can “localize” strategy for the Chinese market, but also leverage skills learned from a large multi-national corporation.
Planning Career Growth
Positioning oneself as competitive is essential in any fast-paced talent market. Set a strategic course by selecting the right organization for each stage of your career. Learning from large multi-national corporations’ rigorous employee training programs can serve a candidate well early in their career.
Local Chinese companies are known for their “hire ready” strategy, believed to have played a critical factor in their success, and look to large multi-national corporations for strong talent. To remain competitive, a candidate must possess skills and experience developed from both structures.
In a fast-paced market such as China’s technology sector, experienced talent is in high demand and generously compensated. Despite recent economic instability, the overall need for exceptional and competitive talent in China’s technology market remains strong.
Working with a search consultant can guide candidates through the rapidly changing talent market in China, and can help assess new opportunities.
Coursera 如何破解中国市场的谜题
编者按: 达瓦尔·沙阿(Dhawal Shah )是 Class Central的创始人兼首席执行官。
今年 7 月,Coursera 宣布 自己在中国的注册用户人数超过了 100 万,而中国也超越印度成为其第二大市场。在打入中国市场方面,大部分美国消费互联网公司都遭遇了困难。
文化差异和互联网防火墙是巨大的进入壁垒。甚至连谷歌、Facebook 和 Twitter 那样的科技巨头,他们要么退出了中国市场,要么被隔绝在中国互联网防火墙之外。所以,作为一家相对年轻的公司,Coursera 是如何取得这一重大里程碑的呢?
“合作伙伴在中国的重要程度超过了世界其他任何地方。”——Flipboard 首席技术官埃里克·冯(Eric Feng)在 KPCB CEO Workshop 大会上的发言。
为了扩大在中国的影响,Coursera 跟多家本地公司和大学机构进行了合作。这些本地合作关系通常牵涉两件事情:翻译和分发内容。
为了对网站进行本地化和翻译内容,Coursera 跟中国社交网站果壳网和翻译社区译言网进行了合作。
为了分发内容,Coursera 跟 网易公开课 合作 创建了 Coursera 社区 ,这是由网易托管的 汉语门户。为了提升中国用户的使用体验,Coursera 还在网易的服务器上存储了自家视频的本地副本。
今年早些时候,Coursera 宣布 跟中国最大的互联网学习平台沪江网达成合作。Coursera 计划在沪江网平台内部创建自己的网络 ID 和社区系统,以此打通跟后者 8,000 万活跃用户的连接。
Coursera 在中国跟 5 所大学进行了合作,分别是:复旦大学、上海交通大学,北京大学,西安交通大学,以及南京大学。这些大学加在一起提供了 50 多门课程,其中大多数是汉语内容。综合起来,Coursera 平台在中国提供了 125 门课程,其中既有原生汉语内容,也有翻译内容。
在成为 Coursera 的首席执行官之前,里克·莱文(Rick Levin)是耶鲁大学校史上任期最长的校长。他任内的重要成就之一就是在全球范围内建立合作关系,并尤其侧重于亚洲和中国。
在他担任校长期间,耶鲁大学跟中国大学开展了多项联合行动,其中包括在北京建立国际性的工作/学习计划,以及举办由中国 14 所顶尖大学参加的领导力培训项目。
莱文曾会见中国两任国家主席(江泽民和胡锦涛),被复旦大学授予荣誉职称,还被选入了美中关系全国委员会(National Committee on United States-China Relations)。
因此,在 Coursera 的中国战略方面,里克·莱文带来了人脉和威信。莱文要跟中国名牌大学开展高级别的对话可能本就不是什么难事,但更重要的是,他拥有在重大议题上跟大学和政府领导人进行合作的经验。
当 Coursera 跟网易的合作关系被公布后,Coursera 的少数大学合作伙伴选择了退出,持有 Coursera 股份的宾夕法尼亚大学就是其中之一。
宾大担心那项合作会对政治和学术自由产生影响,因此希望谨慎行事。情况看起来是,宾大的担忧已经得到缓解,该大学的课程现在已经登陆了网易公开课。事实上,沃顿商学院刚刚上线了中文版本的 《商务基础》课程 。
中国的一些大学领导人 担心 ,“外来思想”会通过 MOOCs(大规模在线开放课程)进入中国。还有人担心,成本低廉的 MOOCs 会造成实体大学的崩塌。
中国教育部正在推进 MOOCs 的发展,并 鼓励 中国高等教育机构创建更多的在线课程。教育部还计划“建立一套检验机制,以监督平台的教学过程和运营,防止有害信息传播”。
查理·钟(Charlie Chung)对本文亦有贡献。
How Coursera Cracked The Chinese Market
Dhawal ShahCrunch Network Contributor
Dhawal Shah is founder and CEO of Class Central.
Coursera announced in July that they crossed 1 million registrations as China became their second largest market, overtaking India. Most U.S. consumer Internet companies have a hard time breaking into China.
Cultural differences and the Internet firewall are a huge barrier to entry. Even tech giants like Google, Facebook and Twitter have pulled out or found themselves on the wrong side of the Chinese firewall. So how did Coursera, a relatively young company, achieve this significant milestone?
Partnerships, Partnerships, Partnerships
“Partnerships are more critical in China than anywhere else in the world” — Eric Feng, CTO Flipboard @ KPCB CEO Workshop
To increase their China footprint, Coursera has partnered with a number of local companies and universities. The local partnerships usually revolve around two things: translations and distribution.
To localize the website and translate its content, Coursera partnered with Guokr, a Chinese social networking site, and Yeeyan, a translation community.
For distribution, Coursera partnered with NetEase to create a Coursera Zone on, a NetEase-hosted, Chinese-language portal to To improve performance for its Chinese users,Coursera also stores local copies of its videos on NetEase servers.
Earlier this year, Coursera announced a partnership with Hujiang, China’s largest Internet learning platform. Coursera plans to build its own online identity and community within the Hujiang platform in order to access its 80 million active users.
Coursera has five partner universities in China: Fudan, Shanghai Jiao Tong, Peking, Xi’an Jiaotong and Nanjing. Combined, these universities offer more than 50 courses, most of them in Chinese. In all, Coursera has more than 125 courses in Chinese (native + translations) on its platform.
A Credible Connection
Before becoming the CEO of Coursera, Rick Levin was the President of Yale University, serving the longest tenure in the school’s history. One of the hallmarks of his tenure was cultivating relationships internationally, especially in Asia, and particularly with China.
Under his presidency, Yale conducted a number of joint initiatives with and for Chinese universities, including helping establish international work/study programs in Beijing, and hosting a university leadership program for leaders from 14 of China’s top universities.
Levin met two Chinese presidents (Jiang Zemin and Hu Jintao), has an honorary appointment at Fudan University and was elected to the board of the National Committee on United States-China Relations.
Thus, Rick Levin brought connections and credibility to his role at Coursera with respect to its China strategy. It would probably not have been difficult for him to initiate conversations at the very highest levels at prestigious universities, but more important is his experience in working with university and government leaders on issues that were important to them.
When the NetEase partnership was announced, a small number of Coursera’s partner institutions opted out of the arrangement. Penn, which owns an equity stake in Coursera was one of those universities.
Penn was concerned about political and academic freedom and wanted to proceed cautiously. It seems that Penn’s concerns were addressed and now their courses are available on NetEase. In fact, Wharton just launched their Business Foundations specialization in the Chinese language.
A few university leaders in China were concerned about “foreign ideas” being imported via MOOCs (Massive Online Open Courses). There were also concerns of MOOCs, by virtue of being cheaper, might cause the collapse of physical universities.
The Ministry of Education is moving forward with MOOCs, and is encouraging higher-education institutes in China to create more of them. The ministry also plans to “set up an inspection system to supervise the teaching process and operation of the platforms, preventing harmful information from being disseminated.”
Thanks to Charlie Chung for contributing to this story.
想要在职业生涯给社会带来积极影响?听听 80000 Hours 的建议吧
科技行业的人士都喜欢讨论 如何成就一番事业 。但怎样才能让你的职业生涯更有意义呢?如果你真的想对这个世界带来积极影响,你究竟是该为创业公司工作呢,还是说为非营利机构服务呢?抑或是远离创业公司和非营利组织?
80000 Hours 便是一个帮助你做出上述决定的组织。这是一家非营利组织,成员包括当前孵化自 Y Combinator 的一批创业公司,由本·托德(Ben Todd)和威尔·麦克斯基尔(Will MacAskill)创建于 2011 年。托德目前担任 80,000 Hours 的执行董事,而麦克斯基尔则担任总裁。
麦克斯基尔是英国牛津大学研究哲学的副教授,他说在遇到托德时,后者还是一个学生,正面临事业上的艰难选择。他俩最终成立了一个讨论组, 讲授有关这个话题的课程 ,直至最终创建 80000 Hours,用以传播他们的想法(这一组织的名称是指一个人职业生涯的全部工作时间)。
80000 Hours 的工作涉及一对一职业培训,但重点已转向 80000 Hours 网站上的文章和其他相关内容——毕竟,这样一来,他们可以覆盖更多的受众。托德表示,80000 Hours 的内容更具交互性和个性化,比如包含一些小测验,现在它上面还有 职业规划指导 和 大量相关文章 ,(更新: 这就是 80000 Hours 上面的一个测验 ,最终建议我应该参考智库研究。)80000 Hours 目前还在围绕此类内容打造一个社区。
80000 Hours 的目标不是向所有人都推荐相同的职业,而是确保他们拥有做出正确职业决定的理想框架——他们要问自己一些合适的问题。
顺便说一句,80000 Hours 的建议有时与我们的直觉完全相反。例如,它明确反对盲目遵从托德所说的“常见的职业规划建议”,即追随你的内心。
相反,80,000 Hours 会告诉读者,“ 不要追随内心 ”——这是让人相当吃惊的做法。“追随内心”不会让你变得更具上进心,从而更成功吗?
所以,为什么 80000 Hours 本身是一个非营利机构?麦克斯基尔表示,“我们有必要避免利益冲突,有必要避免对‘给出帮我们赚钱的建议’而有压力。”
“如果我们认为我们可以克服那个困难,我们就要解放思想,朝着营利性的模式发展,”他补充道。无论如何,关键是“专注于拥有尽可能最大的社会影响,”既为了读者,也为了 80000 Hours 自己。
Want To Make An Impact With Your Work? Try Some Advice From 80,000 Hours
People in the tech world like to talk about doing great things. But what does that actually mean for your career? If you’re serious about making a positive impact on the world, should you go work for a startup? A nonprofit? Or none of the above?
80,000 Hours is an organization aiming to help with those decisions. It’s a nonprofit in the current class of startups incubated by doing great things, but it was founded back in 2011 by Ben Todd (the organization’s executive director) and Will MacAskill (its president).
MacAskill is an associate professor of philosophy at Oxford University, and he said that when they met, Todd was a student wrestling with many of these questions. They ended up forming a discussion group and giving lectures on the topic, then eventually creating 80,000 Hours to spread their ideas. (The name refers to the number of hours in your career)
Part of their work involves one-on-one career coaching, but the focus has shifted toward articles and other content on the 80,000 Hours site — which, after all, can reach a broader audience. Todd said the content should get more interactive and personalized through things like quizzes, but for now, there’s already a career guide and plenty of articles. (Update: Here’s one of those quizzes, which suggested that I look into think tank research.) 80,000 Hours is also working to build a community around that content.
The point isn’t to just direct everyone to the same type of career, but rather to make sure they’ve got the right framework for making their decisions — that they’re asking themselves the right questions.
The advice, by the way, can be pretty counter-intuitive. For example, it pushes back against what Todd calls “the paradigm career advice of our time,” namely following your passion.
In contrast, 80,000 Hours tells readers, “Don’t follow your passion” — which is pretty surprising. Isn’t following your passion supposed to make you more motivated, and therefore more successful?
Todd countered that passion is “not anywhere close to a guarantee of being successful or having an impact.” He also noted that most people say their passion is in areas like sports and the arts, which offer very limited career opportunities.
Most importantly, he said that research suggests that following your passion “gets things backwards.” Instead, you should focus on “getting good at something that’s meaningful, and then passion develops from that later on.”
MacAskill (who wrote a book about “effective altruism”) was also skeptical of another seemingly obvious track — going to work for a nonprofit, especially as your first job out of college. He didn’t dismiss all such organizations, but he said only a small number of them have a real impact. In addition, working for a nonprofit might limit your ability to do good later on, if the organization doesn’t have the resources to help you develop your professional skills.
So why is 80,000 Hours a nonprofit itself? MacAskill said it’s necessary to avoid conflicts of interest and feeling pressured to “give the sorts of recommendations that make us money.”
“We’d be open to the idea of moving to a for-profit model if we think we could overcome that difficulty,” he added. Either way, the key is being “laser-focused on having the biggest social impact,” both for individual readers, and for 80,000 Hours itself.
“这并不是说你不应该重视招聘,而是说你不仅要重视招聘,还要把精力放在留住员工上面,这就像你正在填满漏水的水桶一样。”Paradigm 的首席执行官乔利·埃莫森(Joelle Emerson)告诉我。
Paradigm 是一个专注于多元化问题的咨询公司。目前 该公司正在与一些高速发展的公司合作 ,例如 Pinterest 和 Slack,用以培育并保留多样化的工作场所。这是因为,如果企业不能有效留住背景不同的人才,那便是对金钱和资源的大量浪费了。事实上,根据美国进步中心(Center for American Progress)的 研究 ,招聘和雇佣新员工的成本通常在员工年薪中占到 20%。
Twitter 工程部经理莱斯利·米莱(Leslie Miley)是位黑人,他告诉我:“我认为,即便不是更重要的一个问题,但留住员工也很重要,因为你不想挖掘具有不同背景的员工。因为如果你拥有了背景不同的员工,这便和你的文化有很大关系了。不想拥有这种员工的企业,将永远无法增强自身的多元化。这听起来很简单,但是真的很有趣,有些公司还没弄清楚这一点。”
虽然米莱并未指名道姓提到 Dropbox,但我敢打赌,他指的就是 Dropbox 前员工安吉利卡·科尔曼(Angelica Coleman)遭遇的情况。科尔曼称,由于 Dropbox 工作环境对女性不友好,她最终离开了这家公司。
根据《哈佛商业评论》实施的 一项调查 ,女性离开科技公司的比例是男性的两倍。最常见的原因就是工作环境,例如得不到晋升、工作时间长以及工资低等。
团队任务管理平台 Asana 是与埃莫森有合作关系的另一家高增长型创业公司,该公司已经认识到多元化员工的留存重要性,但它并没有试图通过建立一套有效的机制,将员工留在公司里。
Asana 人力资源部门主管安迪·斯托(Andy Stoe)说:“我们并不是依靠我们作为‘北极星’的自我价值,让我们各司其职,相反,我们还试图打开‘黄手铐’(golden handcuff),这样员工会出于合理的考虑留在 Asana。”
斯托所说的“金手铐”是指各种公司福利,比如说股票期权及其他丰厚的奖励等,旨在鼓励员工不要离开公司。Asana 尝试放松“金手铐”的束缚,改变标准的劳资协议条款,令其适用于公司新的股票期权规定。
以前,Asana 员工离职后,只有三个月时间来执行股票期权,过后即丧失期权。如今,从 Asana 授予其股权之日起,员工将有 10 年时间来执行期权,即便他们任职未满 10 年就离开了公司。
Hacking Diversity In Tech By Emphasizing Retention
Conversations around diversity in tech often focus on the “pipeline” and getting more people from underrepresented groups through the door. But that’s just a first step. The next, most critical step is retention. There’s no point in a company using its resources to hire a diverse people if they’re not going to offer them an environment that is both supporting and nurturing.
“It’s not to say that you shouldn’t focus on [hiring], but to focus on that and not focus on retention, it’s like you’re filling up a leaky bucket,” Paradigm CEO Joelle Emerson tells me.
Paradigm is a consulting startup that focuses on diversity. It’s currently working with high-growth companies like Pinterest and Slack on fostering and retaining a diverse workplace. That’s because if companies can’t effectively retain diverse people it’s a huge waste of money and resources. In fact, the cost of recruiting and hiring a new employee is typically 20 percent of the annual salary for that person, according to the Center for American Progress.
“I think that [retention is] as important if not more important because you don’t want to churn out diversity,” Twitter Engineering Manager Leslie Miley, who is black, tells me. “Because if you churn out diversity, that says a lot about your culture. Companies that do churn out diversity will never be able to increase their diversity. It sounds very simple, but it’s really interesting to see that some companies haven’t figured that one out.”
Losing diverse employees could mean a couple of things, Miley says. It could mean either that it’s a culture that doesn’t recognize diversity matters, or it could be that there’s just a bad apple driving people out the door.
“I have actually seen that previously in my career where one person can create an environment that is just chilling for people of color,” Miley says. “There’s one example, but I won’t name the company, by the time they realized that there was a problem, it was too late.”
Even though Miley didn’t specifically call out Dropbox, my bet is that he was referring to the situation with former Dropbox employee Angelica Coleman, who says she left the company because of its unsupportive environment.
Women leave tech companies at twice the rate of men, according to a study by the Harvard Business Review. The most common reason is the working conditions (e.g. no advancement, number of hours, low salary).
One way to combat retention issues is by determining if your company is at risk of them, which can be accomplished through surveys, Emerson says. These surveys should ask employees things like how long they plan to be at the company, how they perceive diversity and inclusion in the company, and if they are aware of opportunities for advancement. And one way to signal to diverse employees that there are opportunities for advancement is to ensure there are people from underrepresented backgrounds in leadership roles.
Companies also need to recognize that a high retention rate of diverse employees doesn’t necessarily mean the company’s doing anything right, Emerson says. People might be forced to stay on at a company because of financial reasons, not because they actually enjoy working there. “If people aren’t leaving, companies sometimes make the assumption that everything is fine, and that’s not always the case,” Emerson says.
Productivity startup Asana, another high-growth company that Emerson works with, recognizes that retention of diverse employees is really important, but it tries not to create mechanisms just to keep people at the company.
“Instead we rely on our own values as the north star, and literally hold ourselves accountable, Asana Head of Recruiting Andy Stoe says. “We also try to remove the ‘golden handcuffs’ so people want to stay at Asana for the right reasons.”
The “golden handcuffs” Stoe is talking about are the benefits, like stock options and other deferred payments, that aim to discourage people from leaving the company. Asana has tried to loosen the handcuffs by changing the standard terms that apply to the company’s new stock options.
In the past, employees had just three months after leaving Asana to exercise their options before they were forfeited. Now, employees have 10 years to exercise those options from the date Asana grants them, even if they leave the company before that time.
Ultimately, tech companies need to be thoughtful about the kind of work environment they create, and how they enable diverse employees to seek and attain opportunities for advancement. Companies also need to be aware of what is incentivizing people to stay. Is it because of the company’s supportive, nourishing environment? Or, are employees staying because of the golden handcuffs around their wrists? If it’s the latter, something needs to change.