• teams
    微软推出协同办公软件Teams,依靠Office的用户资源挑战Slack 编者按:Slack是市面上功能较为完善、用户数量较多的办公协作软件,在行业中处于领先地位。不过,最近微软推出了免费的办公软件Teams。先不用说其功能和界面如何,就凭微软积累下来的强大的用户资源、其先天的平台优势以及品牌效应,就足以让Teams成为Slack的劲敌。以下这篇评测文章详细分析了这一产品。 花时间评估了微软新推出的试行版Teams之后,我得出了这个结论:Teams会是Slack的劲敌。Teams是微软的用户自定义、基于对话的开放办公空间的一个数字化表现,微软今天默认给使用它的商业版Office 365的客户启动了Teams,不会收取额外的费用。 而在Slack上,公司成员可以在企业内部创建或加入不同项目或不同分工的频道。 不只是Slack和微软,其他公司也在这一方面有所作为,这种作为“竞争的温床”的协作空间正在迅速涌现。例如,仅在上周,谷歌就改造了环聊(Hangouts),把它分成了两部分:一个叫做Hangouts Meet的视频聊天服务,还有一个叫做Hangouts Chat的团队导向的短信服务,看起来和Slack极其相似。而且仅在上个月,亚马逊就推出了Amazon Chime——在亚马逊网络服务(AWS)上运行的管理服务。围绕着声音、音频以及对话建立。 就其本身而言,微软声称Office 365每月的用户有8500万,并且声称自11月推出科技预览版之后,有超过50,000家公司开始使用Teams。他们之中有埃森哲、阿拉斯加航空公司、康菲石油公司、德勤会计师事务所、Expedia、J.B.亨特运输服务公司、汤逊广告公司、Hendrick Motorsports、Trek Bicycle 和Three UK。并且Teams可以在181个应用市场里获得,支持19种语言。 预览版之后,Teams 增加了超过100种功能。例如,团队中的成员关注了一个频道之后的通知功能得到了改善。你可以在频道内拖拽删除文件。还有一个在团队内安排会议的功能,微软能自动浮现出符合你想邀请参会的所有人的时间。 同时,Teams还增加了邮件整合和机器人支持功能,微软称其安全功能也得到了加强。 我从一个微软Surface Book电脑设置的账号上得到了Teams的预览版。我工作于一家虚拟新闻室,可以进入新闻室的编辑团队,里面有突发新闻、专题报道等等这样的频道;有一个人力资源团队,有福利与办公室搬迁这样的频道;还有一个销售团队,里面有知识分享频道及机会频道等。(而且没错,现实生活中我不可能是编辑团队或销售团队里的成员。) 在团队环境里,你可以通过文本信息或是语音、视频聊天来和你的同事交流,我在测试里和现实生活里的微软员工尝试了这些功能。你既可以召开一对一或是面向小组的谈话,也可以对整个团队开放。 成员可以分享、共同编辑文件,也可以进入会议,每一个频道都有与之相关联的邮箱地址。作为Office 365的配套软件,Teams 和微软的其他app以及服务有着紧密的联系,这对众多投资在微软 Office生态系统的公司来说是一个巨大的优势。例如,团队内的文件都被存储在在线文件分享里,你在团队内就能浏览Word、Excel和PowerPoint文件。除此之外,你无需离开团队就可以在任何一个频道或对话里增加OneNote、Power BI(分析工具)或是微软的Planner tab,你也可以在这些标签页里工作。Office 365里的声音、视频和会议由Skype驱动,包括微软的 Teams。 你可以给编辑团队加入其他服务(通过连接器)——例如,增加 Asana、Facebook页面、Twitter、 Yammer、Google Analytics、Zendesk或是RSS推送。 Teams的主要用户界面被分成了三个版块,经过简短的学习曲线之后很容易就能掌握,但如果想要找到特定的人的话,你要花费长一点的时间。 最左边的是应用程序栏,你可以在这里感受产品里不同的体验:从你收到“@”提醒的活动推送界面跳转到聊天部门、团队部门、会议部门以及获得文件的部门。你可以通过点击中间栏的项目进一步浏览,也可以在右边的第三个栏里浏览自己的对话及其他内容。 你还能够得到“T-Bot”的帮助。因此你可以问它这样的问题,例如“提到了我或是@提到了我是什么意思?”或者是“我怎么收藏一个频道?” Teams app可以在iOS手机上获得,我简单地尝试了一下,安卓系统也可以,而且正如你可能会期望的那样,在Windows手机上也可以获得。但是还需要做一些工作。例如,虽然你可以通过手机 app在Teams上输入语音,但是视频电话目前只能在安卓设备上加载出来,iOS和Windows手机将很快推出这个功能,微软说。目前也不能通过app来创建团队或是频道。 Team所推出的体验中,还有一个叫做“来客访问”的功能,这一功能使你能够邀请一个不在你们公司工作的客户、自由职业者或是潜在客户来访问常规业务,参观某个特定的团队或是频道。微软说他们正在积极地研究这个功能,并且希望能在第二季度推出第一波。 Teams很显然瞄准了企业的客户群体,但是微软同时也准备好了推出教育版本。但是,对于那些想要在当地足球俱乐部、宗教团体甚至是表亲聚乐部这样的地方创造出团队体验的人来说,却没有类似的消费者版本。 显然,哪怕是团队合作也有它的局限性。 但是大体上来说, Teams是一个智能的、免费的、精致的办公软件。 参考阅读 刚成立一年的Slack凭什么估值30亿美元?因为它是最好的SaaS公司 翻译来源:虫洞翻翻   译者ID:谢怀锋  编辑:郝鹏程 本文来自翻译:www.usatoday.com,如若转载,请注明出处:http://36kr.com/p/5067915.html
  • teams
    Slack 应战微软协作工具Teams Dear Microsoft, Wow. Big news! Congratulations on today’s announcements. We’re genuinely excited to have some competition. We realized a few years ago that the value of switching to Slack was so obvious and the advantages so overwhelming that every business would be using Slack, or “something just like it,” within the decade. It’s validating to see you’ve come around to the same way of thinking. And even though — being honest here — it’s a little scary, we know it will bring a better future forward faster. However, all this is harder than it looks. So, as you set out to build “something just like it,” we want to give you some friendly advice. First, and most importantly, it’s not the features that matter. You’re not going to create something people really love by making a big list of Slack’s features and simply checking those boxes. The revolution that has led to millions of people flocking to Slack has been, and continues to be, driven by something much deeper. Building a product that allows for significant improvements in how people communicate requires a degree of thoughtfulness and craftsmanship that is not common in the development of enterprise software. How far you go in helping companies truly transform to take advantage of this shift in working is even more important than the individual software features you are duplicating. Communication is hard, yet it is the most fundamental thing we do as human beings. We’ve spent tens of thousands of hours talking to customers and adapting Slack to find the grooves that match all those human quirks. The internal transparency and sense of shared purpose that Slack-using teams discover is not an accident. Tiny details make big differences. Second, an open platform is essential. Communication is just one part of what humans do on the job. The modern knowledge worker relies on dozens of different products for their daily work, and that number is constantly expanding. These critical business processes and workflows demand the best tools, regardless of vendor. That’s why we work so hard to find elegant and creative ways to weave third-party software workflows right into Slack. And that’s why there are 750 apps in the Slack App Directory for everything from marketing automation, customer support, and analytics, to project management, CRM, and developer tools. Together with the thousands of applications developed by customers, more than six million apps have been installed on Slack teams so far. We are deeply committed to making our customers’ experience of their existing tools even better, no matter who makes them. We know that playing nice with others isn’t exactly your MO, but if you can’t offer people an open platform that brings everything together into one place and makes their lives dramatically simpler, it’s just not going to work. Third, you’ve got to do this with love. You’ll need to take a radically different approach to supporting and partnering with customers to help them adjust to new and better ways of working. When we push a same-day fix in response to a customer’s tweet, agonize over the best way to slip some humor into release notes, run design sprints with other software vendors to ensure our products work together seamlessly, or achieve a 100-minute average turnaround time for a thoughtful, human response to each support inquiry, that’s not “going above and beyond.” It’s not “us being clever.” That’s how we do. That’s who we are. We love our work, and when we say our mission is to make people’s working lives simpler, more pleasant, and more productive, we’re not simply mouthing the words. If you want customers to switch to your product, you’re going to have to match our commitment to their success and take the same amount of delight in their happiness. One final point: Slack is here to stay. We are where work happens for millions of people around the world. You can see Slack at work in nearly every newsroom and every technology company across the country. Slack powers the businesses of architects and filmmakers and construction material manufacturers and lawyers and creative agencies and research labs. It’s the only tool preferred by both late night comedy writers and risk & compliance officers. It is in some of the world’slargest enterprises as well as tens of thousands of businesses on the main streets of towns and cities all over the planet. And we’re just getting started. So welcome, Microsoft, to the revolution. We’re glad you’re going to be helping us define this new product category. We admire many of your achievements and know you’ll be a worthy competitor. We’re sure you’re going to come up with a couple of new ideas on your own too. And we’ll be right there, ready. — Your friends at Slack
  • teams
    巨头来了:微软Office发布企业协作工具Team:直接挑战Slack 北京时间11月3日上午消息,微软今日在旧金山召开发布会,发布了新的企业内部协作工具Teams。这一工具将直接与同一领域大热的旧金山创业公司Slack展开竞争。 微软Office业务企业副总裁柯尼斯鲍尔(Kirk Koeigsbauer)主持了此次发布会,微软CEO纳德拉(Satya Nadella)出席了活动。从今日开始,Teams将在181个国家以18种语言,面向Office 365的付费企业版用户免费提供,预计全面上线时间会是2017年第一季度。 Teams工具将与微软的Office办公组件深度整合,并基于Office 365的云平台打造。借助这一工具,企业可以在Office平台上打造属于自己的协作小组,进行群组沟通、文件分享、共同办公等功能。 Teams的主要特性包括:群组聊天既可以公开,也可以私密;借助微软内嵌的Skype,企业用户可以直接进行视频和语音会议;用户还可以发送Emoji、贴图、GIF等个性化信息;与Word、Excel、PowerPoint、SharePoint、OneNote、Planner、PowerBI等微软诸多办公软件深度整合,企业用户可以直接协作完成办公。柯尼斯鲍尔还强调,Teams拥有微软引以为荣的安全保护,协作沟通内容都会进行加密。 今年年初,媒体曾经报道微软内部曾经讨论斥资70亿美元收购Slack。Slack创办于2009年,上一轮融资的估值高达36亿美元。Slack的成功主要得益于看到了企业办公软件和商业聊天工具之间的中间市场。目前Slack日活跃用户突破400万人,其中包括125万付费用户,年营收达到了1亿美元。 据传微软全球执行副总裁陆奇立主微软收购Slack,但遭到了纳德拉的反对。纳德拉等部分高层认为,微软完全可以自己推出类似业务,凭借微软巨大的平台优势和用户基数来实现成功。 虽然Slack已经占据了一定先发优势,但微软同样拥有自己的优势。通过Windows、Office、企业云服务等一系列完整的企业软件服务,微软是目前全球最大的企业办公服务提供商。其中Office是全球最为普及的企业办公软件,每年营收高达230亿美元。而Office 365已经拥有8500万用户。 Exchange邮件系统在企业市场的占有率高达80%。   Slack 发公开信: http://www.hrtechchina.com/15177.html    
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