• Steven Jiang
    为什么2019年人才获取从数据驱动转向智能驱动 从历史上看,人力资源行业充满了时间密集型任务,确定最佳候选人并协调他们的面试和筛选过程。一项研究发现2017年的租用时间平均为  23.8天,自2010年以来增加了13天,因为市场越来越拥挤。 人工智能驱动的技术开辟了几乎无限的可能性,2019年将成为数千个行业创新和高度采用的一年。人力资源,招聘和人才获取也不例外,随着人工智能(AI)的普及变得无处不在,人们将大大受益。 来年将会看到大量的人力资源团队严重依赖人工智能和机器学习(ML)来处理人才获取方面的大部分幕后工作。由于这种转变,招聘人员将有能力和时间与更高层次的顶级候选人建立牢固的关系,而不是在一天的大部分时间里研究和挖掘大量的简历和简介。 本文作者Steven Jiang  CEO and Co-Founder of Hiretual AI和机器学习支持的人才招聘 我相信,我们将在2019年见证的最激动人心的转变之一就是人工智能领导着从数据驱动到智能驱动的招聘变革。事实上, 在一项调查中,42%的高管认为人工智能在未来两年内至关重要。 由于AI和ML和他们难以置信的收集和整理直观的信息,缩短了时间,洞察能力的强大力量,人力资源专家将花费更少的时间筛选,通过数据和更多的时间采取行动就可以了。 目前,这需要通过在现有系统中采用和部署AI引擎,从公司现有的人才获取(TA)系统和技术堆栈进行根本性的变更和升级。随着人工智能的加强,人力资源工作变得更加积极主动,整个工作流程和流程将得到重塑。随着TA团队的重新培训和流程的重新定义,新的一年将为基础设施,软件和运营带来升级。 人工智能技术还将发展招聘人员和候选人与采购流程的关系。组织将采用相同的AI技术来处理主动求职者和被动求职者管道。由于2019年预计会有很高的采用率,我还预计公司会聘请更多的技术架构师来帮助设计和构建可扩展的HR堆栈。人工智能将占据中心舞台,人们将在明年更加了解它,他们将被迫做,以确保他们找到并取得持续的成功。 提高候选人参与度   在接下来的12个月里,更多的人力资源和招聘团队将挥手告别许多繁琐的任务,这些任务历史上占据了宝贵的一天,占用了大量的时间。取而代之的是加速人才获取过程的工具和平台。这将是广泛采用增强采购,写作和参与技术的一年。 随着采购和寻找主动和被动候选人变得更有效率,我们将看到注意力从采购转移到流程的下一阶段,鼓励潜在员工与招聘人员交谈,也称为“提高候选人参与度”。  人工智能简化招聘流程的能力 - 特别是采购和过滤候选人的初始阶段 - 将使人力资源团队能够花时间处理更有价值的任务,例如了解简历或在线档案背后的人。 改善候选人的体验 由于前所未有的技术见解和能力,招聘方法已经非常直观,并将继续变得更加直观。随着越来越多的流程开始自我照顾,候选人的体验将提升到一个新的水平。候选人在申请和表达对职位的兴趣时,会有更好,更全面的经验。等待招聘人员亲自联系每位候选人并提供必要信息以便简单地继续申请流程的下一步的日子(和周)已经一去不复返了。 通过先进的配对和采购技术,候选人将获得更多相关和细致入微的工作建议和机会,而招聘人员将从与手头工作的最佳候选人匹配中受益。一旦候选人找到他们感兴趣的工作,技术也将在该流程的下一阶段发挥作用。 人工智能的聊天机器人和调度机器人将使候选人能够提出问题并实时回答。Chatbots将继续整合到公司的网站中,让人力资源团队成员能够处理更紧迫和复杂的请求,并有时间在招聘过程中发挥更加深思熟虑的作用。Chatbots可以完整地引导申请人完成申请流程,引导候选人从一个页面到另一个页面,以确保准确性和完整性。我们还将看到AI匹配技术蓬勃发展。 新的一年将带来改进的实践,无与伦比的候选人和招聘人员经验以及人力资源行业十年来所采用的最高技术水平。求职者和招聘人员都会感受到AI和ML的影响。候选人的经验将继续现代化,允许公司像对待客户一样对待他们的申请人,同时让招聘人员有更多的时间和精力投入到招聘的人性方面:与有才能的候选人交往。那些在2019年接受人工智能的公司将把他们的人才招聘团队提升到一个新的水平。 以上由AI翻译完成,仅供参考。 经授权发布。 Why 2019 Will Be The Year Talent Acquisition Moves From Data-Driven To Intelligence-Driven   Historically, the human resources industry has been fraught with time-intensive tasks, identifying the top candidates and coordinating their interview and screening processes. One study found that the time to hire in 2017 was, on average, 23.8 days, an increase of 13 days since 2010 as the marketplace has grown ever more crowded. Artificial intelligence-powered technology opens up nearly limitless possibilities, and 2019 is poised to be a year of innovation and high adoption across thousands of industries. HR, recruiting and talent acquisition are no exception and will benefit greatly as the adoption of artificial intelligence (AI) becomes more ubiquitous. The coming year will see vast amounts of HR teams relying heavily on AI and machine learning (ML) to take care of much of the behind-the-scenes work that goes into talent acquisition. Thanks to this shift, recruiters will have the ability and time to engage with and build strong relationships with their top candidates on a deeper level — instead of studying and digging through a huge quantity of resumes and profiles for a significant part of the day. Talent Acquisition Powered By AI And Machine Learning I believe one of the most exciting shifts we will witness in 2019 is AI leading the change in recruiting from data-driven to intelligence-driven. In fact, 42% of executives in one survey believe AI will be of critical importance within the next two years. Thanks to the powerful forces of AI and ML and their incredible ability to gather and sort information intuitively and shorten the time to insights, HR specialists will spend less time sifting through data and more time acting on it. For the moment, this will require fundamental changes and upgrades from a company’s existing talent acquisition (TA) system and tech stacks by adopting and deploying an AI engine into their existing systems. The whole workflow and process will be reshaped as HR efforts become dramatically more proactive as they are enhanced by AI. The new year will bring upgrades to infrastructure, software and operations as TA teams are retrained and processes redefined.   AI technology will also evolve both the recruiter's and candidate's relationships with the sourcing process. Organizations will enlist the same AI technologies to handle both active-job-seeker and passive-job-seeker pipelines. Because of the high levels of adoption anticipated in 2019, I also foresee companies hiring significantly more technical architects to help design and build scalable HR stacks. AI will take center stage and people will become much more knowledgeable about it in the coming year, which they will be forced to do in order to ensure they find and achieve ongoing success. Heightened Candidate Engagement   In the next 12 months, more HR and recruiting teams will wave goodbye to many of the tedious tasks that have historically occupied a significant amount of their valuable day and eaten up too much of their time. In their place will be tools and platforms to accelerate the talent acquisition process. It will be a year of widespread adoption of augmented sourcing and writing and engagement technologies. As sourcing and finding proactive and passive candidates becomes more efficient, we will see a shift in attention from sourcing to the next phase of the process, encouraging potential employees to talk to recruiters, also known as "heightened candidate engagement." The ability of AI to streamline the hiring process — especially the beginning stages of sourcing and filtering candidates — will allow HR teams to spend time on more valuable tasks like getting to know the person behind the resume or online profile. Improving The Candidate Experience Thanks to unprecedented technological insights and abilities, recruiting methods are already highly intuitive and will continue to become even more so. As more and more processes start to take care of themselves, the candidate experience will rise to the next level. Candidates will have better, more comprehensive experiences as they apply for and express interest in positions. Gone are the days (and weeks) of waiting for recruiters to personally contact each candidate with the necessary information to simply move forward with the next step in the application process. Through advanced matching and sourcing technology, candidates will receive more relevant and nuanced job suggestions and opportunities, while recruiters will benefit from being matched with the best candidates for the job at hand. Once candidates find jobs in which they’re interested, technology will play a part in the next stages of the process as well. AI-powered chatbots and scheduling bots will enable candidates to ask questions and have them answered in real time. Chatbots will continue to be integrated into a company’s website, freeing HR team members to handle more pressing and complicated requests and have time to play an even more thoughtful role in the hiring process. Chatbots can lead applicants through the application process in its entirety, guiding the candidate from page to page to ensure accuracy and completeness. We will also see AI-matching technology flourish. The new year will bring improved practice, unparalleled candidate and recruiter experiences and some of the highest levels of technology adoption the HR industry has seen in a decade. The impact of AI and ML will be felt by job candidates and recruiters alike. The candidate experience will continue to modernize, allowing companies to treat their applicants like customers, while giving recruiters more time and energy to devote to the human side of recruiting: engaging with talented candidates. Companies that embrace AI in 2019 will take their talent acquisition team to the next level.
    Steven Jiang
  • Steven Jiang
    硅谷产品:AI招聘管理工具Hiretual 发布3.0版本,加强候选人参与 Hiretual 是一个非常棒的招聘工具,具有很多独创性和领先性,刚刚发布的3.0版本,使其功能更加强大,背后的核心是AI的驱动,技术的驱动。这个方面非常值得国内的招聘类Sourcing类工具学习,在技术上的更多投入,使其更加智能。前几日HRTech Geek 极客大奖评选中有将近25家类似的AI招聘产品或者机构参与,核心基本都是通过AI人工智能来解决招聘的难题,出发点是从各个维度来帮助企业。 相信Hiretual 也给到了不少启发,我们再次介绍3.0的新版本给大家。 Hiretual 的创始人也是HRTechChina的朋友,在去年中美人力资源科技高层论坛中也分享了他对于技术帮助招聘,帮助企业获取优秀人才的想法和做法,促使他开始了这块的创业。 Hirtual在美国招聘主流市场有着非常好的口碑和影响,收获了大量的用户,同时Hiretual 去年也完成了A轮的融资。 Hiretual Ventures Into Candidate Engagement With Version 3.0 Launch     Hiretual是一个招聘工具,被称为招聘人员或源头“最好的朋友”。创始成员  Ninh Tran和联合创始人  Steven Jiang与我们一起创建了这个工具。他们会自豪地告诉你“Hiretual是由招聘人员为招聘人员建造的。”Hiretual 可以利用AI Sourcing在20多个平台上进行搜索,协助构建布尔搜索字符串并找到候选联系人信息。   3.0版刚刚发布,增加了一些增强功能,为这个已经非常强大的平台增添了更多价值。   从第一个版本开始,我一直是这个工具的使用者,我注意到为了让招聘人员的工作更轻松,我们发现了大量的新功能。 新功能的亮点  合作 添加招聘经理 - 该功能允许将招聘经理添加到Hiretual内创建的项目中。 可定制的工作流程 - 候选流程的所有阶段都可以根据用户的喜好进行定制,并与招聘团队共享。 电子邮件集成 - 目前,电子邮件集成可用于Gmail和Outlook。电子邮件也可以代表Hiretual内的招聘经理发送。 优点:可以与招聘团队共享采购进度; 这可以为流程创建一个协作方法。最后,可自定义的工作流程可以就招聘经理与招聘人员或招聘人员之间的来源候选人的状态进行最新沟通。 AI采购 24/7 - AI Sourcing功能可以在幕后执行跨多个平台的连续搜索。 随着时间的推移会更好 - 人工智能将继续学习如何根据用户的反馈改进未来的搜索。 速度更快 - 搜索结果在几秒钟内即可获得,而之前的版本大约需要30分钟。仪表板上的一节显示利用AI采购功能节省的时间。 优点:在审查候选人时,用户可以选择“合适”或“不适合”。“基于用户输入; 人工智能将使用这些数据来提高搜索结果的性能。 此外,通过24/7不断进行的搜索,招聘人员和采购人员在采购过程中可以提高工作效率。 Engagement 安排电子邮件 - 用户可以安排电子邮件在指定的日期和时间发送给候选人。这些电子邮件是完全可定制的,可用于创建模板以供将来使用。 自动跟进 - Hiretual允许发送多达五封后续电子邮件。此外,如果候选人在第五次跟进之前回复完成; 剩下的电子邮件将不会被发送。 培育活动 -可以为发送给一组候选人的电子邮件创建培育曲目(培育活动)。此外,可以根据各种候选人称呼的偏好来选择个人令牌。例如,仅限名字,或全名。   好处:能够聘用Hiretual平台内的候选人可以消除从多个系统工作的需要。培育电子邮件可以按照以下条件进行分类:可以预先选择:电子邮件未打开,电子邮件打开但未回复,电子邮件未回复。 其他特性: 报告 招聘经理可以跟踪他们团队的项目,候选人和采购渠道的进展情况。 人才群体 以将多个候选人添加到人才群组中,然后可以使用这些候选人创建培育跟踪。 教程视频 Hiretual 教程视频可用于指导新功能。大多数视频只有几分钟的时间。 Hiretual为个人和采购团队提供lite(免费)和高级版本。 他们最近为免费用户提供的升级是在2018年2月,当时我们将免费联系信息请求的数量增加了800%。现在您可以每周获得多达10人的联系信息并查看30个个人资料洞察。 我希望每个人都喜欢在使用最新版本的时候采购和寻找他们的猎物!   作者:Tangie Pettis 作为Talent Acquisition领域屡获殊荣的创新思想领袖,Tangie Pettis已经在国内一些最知名的公司和组织中担任战略招聘业务合作伙伴超过19年,其中包括Enterprise Rent-A-Car,家得宝(RPO),DaVita,Charlotte Russe,Aeropostale和范德比尔特大学医学中心。
    Steven Jiang