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    火热报名中--上海·2019人力资本分析论坛(HR&People Analytics Summit)将于8月9日在上海四季酒店举行 2019人力资本分析论坛  HR&People Analytics Summit 企业研究论坛的一项研究发现,69%的大型组织(拥有10,000多名员工的组织)现在拥有一个人员分析团队。 未来人力资源工作者技能需求中,People Analytics 成为核心能力之一,伴随企业数字化转型速度加快,从HR Analytics 到People Analytics的速度也在变化。 欢迎你,有远见的人力资源工作者一起加入到PA论坛中! 论坛时间:  8月9日  周五 9:00-17:00  (签到:8:30-9:00) 论坛地点:上海  静安区四季酒店三楼  (威海路500号) 参会费用: 1980元/人包含四季酒店自助午餐、HRTech纪念品、前排就坐等。 8月1日前  仅需980元/人,同一公司3人同行仅需2400元 8月8日前 仅需1680元/人 现场1980元/人 报名地址:https://www.bagevent.com/event/1773217 论坛介绍 未来人力资源工作者技能需求中,People Analytics 成为核心能力之一,伴随企业数字化转型速度加快,从HR Analytics 到People Analytics的速度也在变化。 我们都知道人力资源部门拥有相当大量的数据信息,特别是数字化转型后的纷繁复杂的人员数据,社交数据,数据产生和使用的场景日益多样,大的计算能力出现后,使得看似不关联的数据会产生不同的解法。HR如何更加专业和技术的去使用、测量、分析从而使组织或业务受益! C级管理者与员工期望的提升,技术的巨大进步,会使得我们HR需要进一步的掌握新的技能和知识。尤其对于决策者来讲,从以往的模糊数据结论到目前的人力洞察。 我们相信这是一场前沿探索和改变认知和行为的交流论坛,我们邀请行业中优秀的探索和实践者们,他们通过他们的实践和观察以及工具来帮助人力资源工作者,帮助企业管理者决策者更清晰的获得数字化的概览的能力,结合所在行业、专业、经验、理论推动组织业绩增长! 欢迎你,有远见的人力资源工作者一起加入到PA论坛中!   论坛门票:https://www.bagevent.com/event/1773217   论坛收益: 了解最新人力资本分析方法、工具 学习掌握名企人力资本分析最佳实践 了解PA工具软件产品 占领专业发展先机,快人一步 超过200位PA专业人士,最前沿,最大规模   热点话题部分: 如何在企业内部创建数据驱动的文化 人力资本分析实践案例 人才全景画像 员工离职预测 数据分析在人力资源中的实战应用等话题    日程安排:   前沿新知,案例实践,行业大咖、科技新品   报名地址: https://www.bagevent.com/event/1773217   报名参会: 联系我们:Kelly 微信:hrtechina pa@hrtechchina.com 其他合作: 微信:hrtechgeek geek@hrtechchina.com 3月29日深圳站精彩回顾   
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    高端前沿:人力资本分析论坛(HR&People Analytics Summit)将于3月29日在深圳首先举办 人力资本分析论坛  HR&People Analytics Summit 企业研究论坛的一项研究发现,69%的大型组织(拥有10,000多名员工的组织)现在拥有一个人员分析团队。 未来人力资源工作者技能需求中,People Analytics 成为核心能力之一,伴随企业数字化转型速度加快,从HR Analytics 到People Analytics的速度也在变化。 欢迎你,有远见的人力资源工作者一起加入到PA论坛中! 论坛时间:3月29日 深圳    8月9日 上海   12月6日 北京 深圳门票:http://umian.me/HLf8h 门票免费(企业HR负责人转发海报并邀请一位HR负责人参加可获得免费参会门票,不含午餐等) VIP门票 3月22日前,698元/人 (包含午餐、前排就坐)三人同行仅需1500元 VIP门票 3月29日前,980元/人(包含午餐、前排就坐)三人同行仅需2000元 以上仅限企业HR负责人参会,非企业HR门票价格为980元/人且名额仅剩3个。   时间:3月29日 9:00-17:30  (签到:8:30-9:00) 地点:深圳  马哥孛罗好日子酒店 七楼夏威夷厅 论坛规模:200人   论坛介绍 未来人力资源工作者技能需求中,People Analytics 成为核心能力之一,伴随企业数字化转型速度加快,从HR Analytics 到People Analytics的速度也在变化。 我们都知道人力资源部门拥有相当大量的数据信息,特别是数字化转型后的纷繁复杂的人员数据,社交数据,数据产生和使用的场景日益多样,大的计算能力出现后,使得看似不关联的数据会产生不同的解法。HR如何更加专业和技术的去使用、测量、分析从而使组织或业务受益! C级管理者与员工期望的提升,技术的巨大进步,会使得我们HR需要进一步的掌握新的技能和知识。尤其对于决策者来讲,从以往的模糊数据结论到目前的人力洞察。 我们相信这是一场前沿探索和改变认知和行为的交流论坛,我们邀请行业中优秀的探索和实践者们,他们通过他们的实践和观察以及工具来帮助人力资源工作者,帮助企业管理者决策者更清晰的获得数字化的概览的能力,结合所在行业、专业、经验、理论推动组织业绩增长! 欢迎你,有远见的人力资源工作者一起加入到PA论坛中!   论坛门票:http://umian.me/HLf8h 论坛收益: 了解最新人力资本分析方法、工具 学习掌握名企人力资本分析最佳实践 了解PA工具软件产品 占领专业发展先机,快人一步 超过200位PA专业人士,最前沿,最大规模   热点话题: 如何在企业内部创建数据驱动的文化 人力资本分析实践案例 人才全景画像 员工离职预测 数据分析在人力资源中的实战应用等话题   日程安排:     论坛门票:http://umian.me/HLf8h 赞助参展: 联系我们:Annie  获取详细合作方案 18621292818(同微信号) annie@hrtechchina.com 报名参会: 联系我们:Kelly 微信:hrtechina pa@hrtechchina.com 其他合作: 微信:hrtechgeek geek@hrtechchina.com
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    员工敬业度的未来:个性化福利和预测分析的好处 作者:Prarthana Ghosh 根据一项新的哈里斯民意调查,样本规模为2,257人力资源专业人员和CareerBuilder的招聘经理,错误的候选人选择使普通雇主在2017年花费了14,900美元。此外,10%的参与者表示缺乏足够的工具造成严重影响错误的候选人选择。这些数字说明了无处不在的招聘障碍,并指向甚至更大的保留障碍。难怪今天的每个组织都在升级员工敬业度!公司最终制定(或正在制定)将员工视为数字消费者的转变,他们需要能够以与家中相同的舒适度连接和插入工作。 例如,Deloitte的ConnectMe不仅利用Salesforce的一流CRM云解决方案,还通过富有洞察力的数据挖掘和基于需求的解决方案提供真正数字化工作场所的创建和维护,并改善员工体验,从而更好地参与。 个人风格 随着工作的概念不断发展,今天更多的员工似乎想要在家工作。无论是他们的工作地点,他们使用的工具,还是他们遵循的计划,员工都会寻求一定程度的个性化,使他们更好地与工作联系起来。 随着我们最近的数字飞跃,个性化现在可以达到一个全新的水平,因此是工作场所,行业和地理区域的普遍趋势。今天的体验式员工可能希望“会面”并与世界各地的同事进行面对面的交谈,并与新的AR(增强现实)工作场所不再是虚构的工作场所。员工现在可以在AI助手的帮助下将日程安排从日常任务中解放出来。他们可以通过充分利用直观的软件并使用分析来预测未来的步骤来更好地规划他们的工作。具有讽刺意味的是,非人为干预可以增加人类个人的触觉,这是今天不可避免的必要条件。 以下是不同参与程度的图示。个性化必须扩展到所有这些级别: 个性化创新的含义 因此,今天工作中的个性化不仅仅是允许员工引入他们自己的系统或咖啡杯。它还可以承认员工需要从“无干扰”的位置远程工作。目前,个性化的参与努力正处于从事后的困境转变为常态的过程中。 随着工作文化演变为相互联系,有凝聚力的生态系统,BYOS(自带软件)等新趋势越来越受欢迎。此外,这指向了一个更有趣的转变 - 允许员工自由个性化工作流程的组织 - 选择他们认为最有利于他们的企业应用和软件。 随着软件产品本身逐渐转向智能,个性化,特定和量身定制的体验,每个人都有权在工作中获得自己的个性化品牌。这对软件公司也有影响,因为他们现在不仅要保持领先地位,而且要确保他们的产品能够与客户收听的其他应用和软件相得益彰。对于试图适应这些新趋势的组织而言,这是一个关键的学习点,以便信息和通信在不同平台之间无缝流动。 工作中个性化面临的主要问题是安全性和合规性。监督的基本格式要求在保护公司信息,遵守不公开和其他此类协议方面进行变更。每个组织都要权衡允许BYOS环境的好处是否会抵消风险。 参与重新定义 今天有相当大比例的员工会选择生活津贴而不是更大的薪酬。劳动力行为方面的这些重大变化有助于引领我们今天在行业中看到的思想复兴。现代员工希望他/她各自的组织为他们的生活增加更多的财务价值。承认,个人和职业发展,幸福和健康,工作与生活的平衡是工作的其他方面,在参与和保留方面越来越重要。 根据Forrester Research的研究,员工体验为2017年的工作未来提供动力,除了因工作努力而得到认可外,员工还寻求技术驱动的体验式,身临其境的流程以及个性化福利等切实变革。美国海斯在2017年进行的调查显示,71%的参与者表示,他们希望接受较低的工资,以便在过去的经验,现有需求和未来计划方面实现更大的角色协调。此外,可定制的福利似乎对员工忠诚度产生直接和积极的影响,如MetLife,2017年第15期美国员工福利趋势研究报告所示。 预测分析:行为的水晶球? LifeWorks的分析,关注:如何开发和支持今天的员工,2017年,列举了组织如果未能调整他们的战略以提供个性化和真正吸引人的员工体验,他们将面临失去优质员工风险的风险。这就是使用预测分析的礼物发挥作用的地方。员工是人,分析人类行为往往造成困难,因为它的活力和需要考虑到个体差异。这些数据点不仅有助于跟踪工资单,福利登记或增长预测,还可以预测员工的成长和寿命。 “如果你有分析能够帮助你根据他们过去的表现,他们的技能水平,他们的个性和他们的文化契合来预测候选人的成功,那么它可以更好地描绘出他们如何适应你的公司,”Michael Fauscette说。 ,G2 Crowd的首席研究官。“如果分析能够预测候选人的成功,那么这对招聘流程来说可能是一个巨大的好处,如果合适,那么留住员工是一个巨大的好处。” 与工作中的任何技术组合一样,行为分析也伴随着一系列法律和道德问题,因为监控员工行为有其复杂性并需要得到承认。因此,它需要一定程度的员工教育,让所有员工了解他们的数据如何被使用以及用于何种目的。这也有助于更好地分析法律影响。此外,在组织实现转变之前,各级领导层和人力资源部门必须允许个性化和预测分析的渗透。 虽然员工参与空间会改变,变异和发展,但目睹未来的变化将会很有趣。公司是否会继续使用反应方法来回顾它,或者我们是否准备好进行直观,预测和主动的行动? 以上为AI翻译,仅供参考学习~   原文如下: The Future of Employee Engagement: Perks of Personalization and Predictive analytics According to a new Harris Poll with a sample size of 2,257 HR professionals and recruitment managers for CareerBuilder, the wrong choice of candidate cost the average employer a steep $14,900 in 2017. Moreover, 10% of the participants stated the lack of adequate tools contributed severely to wrong candidate choices. These numbers speak of a ubiquitous recruitment hurdle and point towards and even greater retention obstacle. No wonder every organization today is upgrading their employee engagement methods! Companies have finally made (or are in the process of making) the shift to regarding their employees as digital consumers who need to be able to connect and plug into work with the same comfort level they have at home. ConnectMe at Deloitte for example, not only utilizes the best in class CRM cloud solution by Salesforce but also provides for the creation and maintenance of a truly digital workplace through insightful data mining and need-based solutions and improve employee experience and thus look at better engagement. A personal touch With the concept of work having evolved, more employees today seem to want to feel at home at work. Whether it is the location they work out of, the tools they use or even the schedule they follow, employees look for a certain level of personalization that makes them relate better to work. With our recent digital leaps, personalization is now possible at a whole new level and is thus a pervasive trend across workplace, industries and geographies. The experiential employee of today might want to “meet” and have a face-to-face conversation with colleagues across the world and with the new AR (Augmented Reality) enabled workplaces that is no longer fiction. Employees can now free their schedules off routine tasks with the help of AI assistants. They could plan their work better by making the most of software that is intuitive and use analytics to predict the steps ahead. It’s ironic that non-human interventions could increase the essentially human personal touch that is an unavoidable requisite today. The following is a pictorial depiction of the different levels of engagement. Personalization must be extended across all these levels: Implications of personalized innovation Personalization at work today is thus more than just allowing employees to bring in their own systems or coffee mugs. It could also be acknowledging the need of an employee to work remotely from a “distraction-free” location. At the moment, personalized engagement endeavours are in the middle of moving from being an afterthought to being the norm. With work cultures evolving into connected, cohesive ecosystems, new trends like BYOS (Bring Your Own Software) is gaining popularity. Moreover, this points towards a more intriguing shift – organizations allowing employees the freedom to personalize work processes – to choose enterprise apps and software that they feel benefit them the most. With software offerings themselves moving toward intelligent, personalized, specific and tailored experiences themselves, everyone is entitled to their own slice of personalized brand of reality at work. This has implications for software companies too since they now not only have to stay ahead of the curve but at the same time, ensure that their offerings play nice with the other apps and software that their customers tune into. This is a key learning point for organizations who are trying to adapt to these new trends so that information and communication flows seamlessly across platforms. Primary issues that confront personalization at work are that of security and compliance. The basic format of monitoring then calls for a change with regard to protection of company information, compliance with non-disclosure and other such agreements. It is for each organization to weigh out whether the benefits of allowing a BYOS environment negate the risks. Engagement redefined There is a sizable percentage of employees today who would choose lifestyle perks over a bigger pay package. Such crucial changes in terms of workforce behavior have been instrumental in leading the thought renaissance that we see around the industry today. The modern employee wants his/her respective organizations to add more than financial value to their lives. Recognition, personal and career development, happiness and wellness, work-life balance are among the other aspects of work that are of mounting importance when it comes to engagement and retention. According to Forrester Research, Employee Experience Powers the Future of Work, 2017, besides being recognized for their effort at work, employees seek technology-driven experiential, immersive processes and tangible changes like personalizing benefits. The Hays US What People Want Survey conducted in 2017 revealed that 71% of the participants indicated that they would be keen to accept lower pay for a job that allowed greater role-alignment in terms of what their past experience, present needs and future plans. Furthermore, customizable benefits seem to have a direct and positive influence on employee loyalty as seen in the MetLife, 15th Annual U.S. Employee Benefit Trends Study, 2017. Predictive analytics: the crystal ball of behaviour? An analysis by LifeWorks, Taking Care: How to Develop and Support Today’s Employees, 2017, enumerates how organizations run the risk of losing quality workers if they fail to tweak their strategies in order to provide employee experiences that are personalized and truly engaging. That is where using the gifts of predictive analytics come into play. Employees are human and analyzing human behavior often poses difficulties due to its dynamism and the need to take into consideration individual differences. These data points not only help in tracking payroll, benefits enrollment or growth projection but also allow for the prediction of growth and longevity of an employee.   “If you had analytics that could help you predict the success of a candidate based on their past performances, their skill levels, their personality and their cultural fit it could paint a better picture of how they will fit into your company,” says Michael Fauscette, chief research officer for G2 Crowd. “If the analytics can predict the success of a candidate, then it could be a huge benefit to the hiring process, and if that fits, then it is a huge benefit to retaining an employee.” As with any technological incorporation at work, behavioural analytics too comes with its set of legal and ethical concerns since monitoring employee behaviour has its complexities and that needs to be acknowledged. It thus needs a certain level of employee education where all employees are made aware of how their data is being used and for what purposes. This would also help in analyzing legal repercussions better. Moreover, before the organization is enabled in making the shift, all levels of leadership and of the HR function must allow a permeation of personalization and predictive analytics. While the employee engagement space modifies, mutates and evolves, it would be interesting to witness the changes yet to come. Would companies continue to work towards it in retrospect with reactive methods or are we ready for intuitive, predictive and proactive moves?
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