苹果和IBM今日联合面向企业iOS用户发布了第一批“IBM MobileFirst”应用。
苹果和IBM今年7月宣布,双方已达成一项排他性合作协议,将共同开发名为“IBM Mobile First for iOS”的企业级应用。
双方当时表示,从今秋开始,苹果将专门为IBM提供iPhone和iPad等设备,IBM为这些设备配上IBM MobileFirst应用后,提供给医疗保健、银行、保险、零售、旅游和运输等行业厂商。
首批应用涵盖一系列行业,包括旅游与交通、银行与金融、保险、零售、电信和政府等。例如,旅游与交通领域的应用包括PlanFlight和Passenger+,银行与金融的应用包括Advise & Grow和Trusted Advice。
Apple and IBM today announced the launch of the first round ofIBM Mobile First apps for enterprise iOS users.
The apps are available exclusively for iPhone and iPad and offer the sorts of key features businesses demand, like additional layers of security, embedded analytics and other core enterprise processes. The apps can also be managed and deployed via IBM’s cloud services.
The first round of apps cover a range of sectors, including travel and transportation, banking and financial markets, insurance, retail, telecom and government. Apple added that new apps are continuously in development, too.
Clearly, by working with an established enterprise player like IBM, Apple is hoping to bolster its business credentials and lure in more customers for its hardware by providing essential enterprise features on tap.
For a full run-down of the new apps, check out the source link below.
TNW中文站 12月11日报道