• 401K 计划
    【美国】旧金山的SMB 401(k)供应商Human Interest完成2亿美元的D轮融资,估值10亿美元,即将IPO 编者注:这个是美国独有的退休福利计划,类似我们的养老金,我们可以简单了解下。(401(k) Plan简单来说就是美国公司为员工提供的退休福利计划,可以理解为类似于中国的社保,但是和中国的社保有很大的区别) Human Interest以10亿美元的估值融资了2亿美元,计划进行IPO SMB 401(k)供应商Human Interest在C轮融资中获得5500万美元后不到6个月,今天宣布它在一轮融资中完成了2亿美元,从而将其推向独角兽地位。 TPG的全球影响力投资平台Rise Fund领投了本轮融资,软银愿景基金2也加入了本轮融资。新投资者Crosslink Capital和现有支持者NewView Capital、Glynn Capital、U.S. Venture Partners、Wing Venture Capital、Uncork Capital、Slow Capital、Susa Ventures等也参与了此次融资。 在过去一年中,这家位于旧金山的公司已经筹集了3.05亿美元。随着最新的融资,自2015年成立以来,它现在已经总共筹集了3.367亿美元。 该公司承认有上市的打算,前Yodlee首席财务官Mike Armsby被任命为Human Interest的首席财务官就是证明。它的目标是在2023年的某个时候进行传统的IPO,执行官们说目标是 "在上市前拥有2亿美元以上的运行收入"。目前,它已经达到了 "数千万的运行收入",并每月增加数百万的新收入。 据该公司称,Human Interest的数字退休福利平台允许用户 "在几分钟内启动一个退休计划,并使其处于自动驾驶状态"。 它还吹嘘说,它已经取消了所有401(k)的交易费用。 中小企业对401(k)的需求似乎达到了历史最高点,据《人类利益》报道,其销售额在去年增长了两倍。该公司在过去12个月里的员工人数也增加了一倍多,达到350人。 这家初创公司说,它看到在以前没有退休福利的垂直行业中,包括建筑业、零售业、制造业、餐饮业、非营利组织和酒店业,都在大力采用。例如,在过去三个季度里,Human Interest在餐饮业的客户增长了4.5倍。自大流行病开始以来,人类利益公司在小时工中的注册人数增长比受薪工人高2倍,而小时工的资产增长了3倍。 "促进金融健康是崛起基金的一个核心投资支柱。崛起基金的联合管理合伙人Maya Chorengel在一份书面声明中说:"人类利益公司为解决长期存在的问题提供了最有说服力的解决方案之一,即大约有一半的美国人在到达退休年龄时没有足够的储蓄。"尽管最近有立法,主要是在州一级,但到目前为止,传统的项目并没有产生与《人类利益》一样的参与者结果。" 该公司表示,它将利用其新的资本来扩大其与财务顾问、福利经纪人和工资公司的整合和合作网络。它还预计,自然会进行一些招聘--到年底再招聘200名员工,主要是在产品、工程和收入团队。 中小企业的401(k)空间最近正在升温。6月,竞争者Guideline也在General Atlantic领导的一轮融资中筹集了2亿美元。 来自TC
    401K 计划
  • 401K 计划
    Captain401: 希望帮助企业更简单地创建 401K 计划 周四,从创业孵化器 Y Combinator 毕业的 Captain401 正式上线,这是一项帮助小型企业创建 401K 计划(译注:一种由雇员、雇主共同缴费建立起来的完全基金式的养老保险制度)的服务。Captain401 的目标是让管理 401K 计划像运营公司其他业务一样简单,而且像 Zenefits 或 Zenpayroll 一样更加聚焦于数字技术。   该公司首席执行官罗杰·李(Roger Lee)说,Captain401 寻求创建一套流程,避免投资那些收取高额手续费和跑不赢市场的基金。他表示,Captain401 的投资服务是自动化的,能够帮助员工做出更好的投资决策,并且对最佳选择拥有更深入的认识。   “像 ADP 和 John Hancock 那些老牌公司,它们要求大量的文书工作、缓慢的信件邮寄、各种文件填报和签名。”李说,“一些公司,比如富达投资集团(Fidelity),根本不跟小型企业合作。我们认为,我们可以在那方面做得更好,我们的解决方案是网络和无纸化。企业只需要 10 分钟就能创建自己的计划,我们让持续管理实现了自动化。对员工来说,他们免除了搞清楚自己该怎么做的麻烦。”   尽早创建 401K 计划是很重要的,这有几方面的原因,如果说哪个最重要,那就是展示雇主关心自己员工的未来。李此前曾运营一家创业公司,他的员工问起了 401K 计划的事情。李想创建一套,但整个过程缓慢而又过时。举例来说,那些提供此项计划的机构仍然需要大量的文书工作,需要签名、邮寄和传真文件。   “它看起来是一个麻烦,花的时间很长,我们认为,我们可以利用更加现代化的技术做得更好。”李说,“多年来,我个人帮助过 100 多名亲朋好友检查他们的 401K 计划,并协助他们进行投资。我意识到,他们 401K 计划的投资分配都不够理想。他们不知道该如何选择自己的投资对象,我们希望在 401K 领域引入 Wealthfront 那样的在线理财平台。”   与此同时,Captain401 的另一位联合创始人保罗·萨瓦亚(Paul Sawaya)是来自 Mozilla 基金会的一名软件开发者。该公司创建了一套 401K 计划,但整个流程很难管理,员工也没有被教授最佳的投资方式。“我只登进过系统一次,当时我还是那里的员工。”萨瓦亚说道。两人通过一个共同的好友——Clever 的泰勒·博斯米尼(Tyler Bosmeny)——结识,他们最终谈到了 401K 计划,他们觉得自己可以提供一种更好的体验。   Captain401 的 401K 计划跟数十个先锋指数基金进行了对接,李表示,此举将能带来高于其他基金的业绩表现。“那是人们喜欢的沃伦·巴菲特(Warren Buffet)式做法,经济学家认为,这是员工的最佳选择,能够取得最多的投资回报。”   Captain401 毕业于今夏的 Y Combinator 培训班,有趣的是,Y Combinator 自己将成为该公司的客户。   “员工能够在自己的养老金计划中得到更好的投资选择,并能够就个人情况制定合适的投资策略,如果我们能够朝着那样的世界迈进,那么比之单打独斗的做法,效果能够好得多,而且能够为员工提供更多的帮助。”李说,“显然,这里面还有大量的工作要做。”   YC-Backed Captain401 Wants To Make Creating A 401k Easier For Businesses Captain401, a service that helps small businesses set up a 401k, is launching out of Y Combinator today. The goal of Captain401 is to make managing 401ks as simple as other services are for other functions within companies — and in a more digitally focused manner like Zenefits or Zenpayroll. Captain401 seeks to create a process that avoids funds that have higher fees and fail to beat the market, CEO Roger Lee said. The investing service is automated, helping employees make better decisions about their investments and become more educated about the best choices, he said. “Incumbents like ADP, John Hancock, they require tons of paperwork, snail mailing, filling out and signing,” he said. “Some companies like Fidelity don’t work with small businesses. We think we can do a lot better there, our solution is online and paperless. “It takes companies 10 minutes to set up their plan, we automate the ongoing administration. For the employees it’s that education and investment experience where the existing 401k companies leave employees to figure out what to do on their own.” 401ks are important to set up early for a number of reasons, if only is to show that employers care about the future of their employees. Lee had previously run a startup where his employees were asking about a 401k. Lee wanted to set one up, but the whole process was slow and outdated. Institutions, for example, still required stacks of paperwork that required signatures and had to be mailed and faxed in. “It seemed like a hassle, it took way longer, and we thought we could do a lot better with more modern tech,” he said. “I personally over the years helped more than a 100 friends and family look at their 401ks and help with their investments, and realized without fail that each was sub-optimally allocated. They didn’t know how to choose their investments. We wanted to bring a Wealthfront into the 401k space.” Related Articles Money Management Service Personal Capital Wants To Manage Your 401K BrightScope Launches Personal 401K Fee Report 401k Plans Are Hard BrightScope Launches Personal 401K Fee Report 401k Plans Are Hard BrightScope Launches Personal 401K Fee Report 401k Plans Are Hard To Understand. BrightScope Raises $2 Million To Fix That. Meanwhile, his co-founder Paul Sawaya was a software developer at Mozilla. That company had a 401k instituted, but the whole process was difficult to manage and employees weren’t given education on how to best invest, he said. “I only logged in once when I was an employee there,” he said. The two met through a mutual friend — Tyler Bosmeny at Clever — and eventually came to the topic of 401ks, which they decided they could offer a better experience.   The 401k is tied to dozens of Vanguard index funds, which Lee says ultimately leads to higher performance than other funds. “That’s the approach that people like Warren Buffet, economists [consider], it’s the best approach for employees and get to the most returns.”   Captain401 came out of this year’s summer Y Combinator class. Interestingly enough, Y Combinator will be a customer of Captain401.   “Any step closer to a world where employees can get better investment options in their plan and they can diversify and get a suitable investment strategy that makes sense for them and their personal situation, that can just be so much better and help them so much more than the go it alone approach,” Lee said. “Obviously there’s a lot of work to do here.”   来源:techcrunch
    401K 计划